
Caramês TRP, Velten H, Fabris JC, Lazo MJ. Dark energy with zero pressure: Accelerated expansion and large scale structure in action-dependent Lagrangian theories. Phys. Rev. 2018;D98:103501.
Barbosa CMS, Velten H, Fabris JC, Ramos RO. Modified gravity versus shear viscosity: imprints on the scalar matter perturbations. Phys. Rev. 2018;D98:123522.
Zimdahl W, Velten H, Algoner WC. Matter Growth in Imperfect Fluid Cosmology. Universe. 2019;5:68.
Perenon L, Velten H. The effective field theory of dark energy diagnostic of linear Horndeski theories after GW170817 and GRB170817A. Proceedings, 3rd José Plínio Baptista School of Cosmology: The Dark Sector of the Universe (JPBCosmo3): Pedra Azul, Brazil, September 25-30, 2016. 2019;5:138.
Fabris JC, Velten H, Wojnar A. Existence of static spherically-symmetric objects in action-dependent Lagrangian theories. Phys. Rev. 2019;D99:124031.
Brando G, Falciano FT, Linder EV, Velten HES. Modified Gravity Away from a $Łambda$CDM Background. JCAP. 2019;1911:018.