
Interest areas: Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Parallel Processing with GPU.


TORRES, VITOR A.M.F. ; JAIMES, BRAYAN R.A. ; RIBEIRO, EDUARDO S. ; BRAGA, MATEUS T. ; SHIGUEMORI, ELCIO H. ; VELHO, HAROLDO F.C. ; TORRES, LUIZ C.B. ; BRAGA, ANTONIO P. . Combined weightless neural network FPGA architecture for deforestation surveillance and visual navigation of UAVs. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, v. 87, p. 103227, 2020.

RIBEIRO, Eduardo da Silva; TORRES, V. A. ; JAMES, B. R. ; BRAGA, M. T. ; SHIGUEMORI, E. H. ; VELHO, H. F. C. ; TORRES, L. C. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Weightless neural systems for deforestation surveillance and image-based navigation of UAVs in the Amazon forest. In: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2019, Bruges - Bélgica. ESANN 2019 - Proceedings. Burges: ESANN, 2019.

RIBEIRO, Eduardo da Silva; MASCARENHAS, N. D. A. . Filtragem de Projeções Tomográficas Utilizando Estimadores MAP. In: XXV SIBGRAPI - Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 2012, Ouro Preto. Workshop of Works in Progress (WIP). Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil, 2012.

RIBEIRO, Eduardo da Silva; MASCARENHAS, N. D. A. ; SALINA, Fernando Vernal ; CRUVINEL, P. E. . Noise reduction on CT Set of Projections by Wiener Filtering and Wavelet Thresholding. In: Workshop de Visão Computacional, 2010, Presidente Prudente. VI Workshop de Visão Computacional, 2010.