AMADOR COELHO, RODRIGO; BAMBIRRA TORRES, LUIZ CARLOS; LEITE DE CASTRO, CRISTIANO. Concept drift detection with quadtree-based spatial mapping of streaming data. INFORMATION SCIENCES, v. 625, p. 578-592, 2023.
ARIAS-GARCIA, JANIER ; DE SOUZA, ALAN CANDIDO ; GADE, LILIANE ; YUDI, JONES ; COELHO, Frederico ; Castro, Cristiano L. ; Torres, Luiz C. B. ; BRAGA, ANTONIO P. . Improved Design for Hardware Implementation of Graph-Based Large Margin Classifiers for Embedded Edge Computing. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, v. x, p. 1, 2022.
ALVARENGA, WAGNER J. ; CAMPOS, FELIPE V. ; COSTA, ALEXSANDER C.A.A. ; SALIS, TURIBIO T. ; MAGALHÃES, EDUARDO ; TORRES, LUIZ C.B. ; BRAGA, ANTONIO P. . Time domain graph-based anomaly detection approach applied to a real industrial problem. COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY, v. 142, p. 103714, 2022.
COSTA, ALEXSANDER C.A.A. ; CAMPOS, FELIPE V. ; ARAUJO, LOURENÇO R.G. ; TORRES, LUIZ C.B. ; BRAGA, ANTONIO P. . Deep architecture for silica forecasting of a real industrial froth flotation process. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, v. 115, p. 105196-105203, 2022.
QUEIROZ, MARCELO ; COELHO, Frederico ; Torres, Luiz C. B. ; CAMPOS, FELIPE V. ; LARA, GABRIEL ; ALVARENGA, WAGNER ; BRAGA, ANTÔNIO DE PÁDUA . RBF Neural Networks Design with Graph Based Structural Information from Dominating Sets. NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS (ONLINE), v. 55, p. 4719-4733, 2022.
B. TORRES, LUIZ C.; Castro, Cristiano L. ; ROCHA, HONOVAN P. ; ALMEIDA, GUSTAVO M. ; BRAGA, ANTONIO P. . Multi-objective neural network model selection with a graph-based large margin approach. INFORMATION SCIENCES, v. x, p. 1-36, 2022.
PINTO, ARTHUR B. A.; DE ASSIS, GILDA A.; Torres, Luiz C. B.; BELTRAME, THOMAS; DOMINGUES, DIANA M. G.Wearables and Detection of Falls: A Comparison of Machine Learning Methods and Sensors Positioning. Neural Processing Letters., p.1 - 15, 2022.
ASSIS, ALEX D. ; Torres, Luiz C. B. ; ARAUJO, LOURENCRO R. G. ; HANRIOT, VITOR M. ; BRAGA, ANTONIO P.. Neural Networks Regularization with Graph-based Local Resampling. IEEE Access, v. 9, p. 1-1, 2021. Resampling. IEEE Access, v. 9, p. 1-1, 2021.
Torres, Luiz C. B.; Castro, Cristiano L. ; COELHO, Frederico ; BRAGA, ANTONIO P. . Large Margin Gaussian Mixture Classifier With a Gabriel Graph Geometric Representation of Data Set Structure. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. v. 31, p. 1-7, 2021.
ARIAS GARCIA, JANIER ; MAFRA, AUGUSTO ; GADE, LILIANE ; COELHO, Frederico ; CASTRO, CRISTIANO ; TORRES, LUIZ ; BRAGA, ANTONIO . Enhancing Performance of Gabriel Graph-based Classifiers by a Hardware Co-processor for Embedded System Applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. v. 16, p. 1-1, 2021.
SOUZA, P. V. C. ; TORRES, L. C. B. . Extreme Wavelet Fast Learning Machine for Evaluation of the Default Profile on Financial Transactions. Computational Economics, v. 57, p. 1263-1285, 2021.
TORRES, VITOR A.M.F. ; JAIMES, BRAYAN R.A. ; RIBEIRO, EDUARDO S. ; BRAGA, MATEUS T. ; SHIGUEMORI, ELCIO H. ; VELHO, HAROLDO F.C. ; TORRES, LUIZ C.B. ; BRAGA, ANTONIO P. . Combined weightless neural network FPGA architecture for deforestation surveillance and visual navigation of UAVs. Engineering applications of artificial intelligence, v. 87, p. 103227, 2020.
TORRES, V.A.M.F. ; SILVA, D.A.C. ; TORRES, L.C.B. ; BRAGA, M.T. ; CARDOSO, M.B.R. ; LINO, V.T. ; SILL TORRES, F. ; BRAGA, A.P. . Embedded real-time feature extraction for electrode inversion detection in telemedicine electrocardiograms. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, v. 60, p. 101946, 2020.
DE CAMPOS SOUZA, PAULO VITOR ; TORRES, LUIZ CARLOS BAMBIRRA ; GUIMARAES, AUGUSTO JUNIO ; ARAUJO, VANESSA SOUZA ; ARAUJO, VINCIUS JONATHAN SILVA ; REZENDE, THIAGO SILVA . Data density-based clustering for regularized fuzzy neural networks based on nullneurons and robust activation function. SOFT COMPUTING, v. 23, p. 1-15, 2019.
SILVA, GUSTAVO R. L. ; NETO, PAULO C. ; Torres, Luiz C. B. ; Braga, Antônio P. . A fuzzy data reduction cluster method based on boundary information for large datasets. NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS (INTERNET), v. 31, p. 1-10, 2019.
DE CAMPOS SOUZA, PAULO VITOR ; TORRES, LUIZ CARLOS BAMBIRRA ; GUIMARÃES, AUGUSTO JUNIO ; ARAUJO, VANESSA SOUZA . Pulsar Detection for Wavelets SODA and Regularized Fuzzy Neural Networks Based on Andneuron and Robust Activation Function. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, v. 28, p. 1950003, 2019.
MENEZES, MURILO V.F. ; TORRES, LUIZ C.B. ; BRAGA, ANTONIO P. . Width Optimization of RBF Kernels for Binary Classification of Support Vector Machines: A Density Estimation-Based Approach. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS, v. 125, p. 1-7, 2019.
TORRES, L.C.B.; COELHO, F. ; SILL TORRES, F. ; BRAGA, A.P. ; Castro, C.L. . Distance-based large margin classifier suitable for integrated circuit implementation. Electronics Letters, v. 51, p. 1967-1969, 2015.
WANDERLEY, MARIA FERNANDA BARBOSA ; TORRES, LUIZ CARLOS BAMBIRRA ; NATOWICZ, RENÉ ; BRAGA, ANTÔNIO PÁDUA . A maximum margin-based kernel width estimator and its application to the response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Research on Biomedical Engineering, v. 30, p. 17-26, 2014.
DE CAMPOS SOUZA, PAULO VITOR ; TORRES, LUIZ CARLOS BAMBIRRA . Regularized Fuzzy Neural Network Based on Or Neuron for Time Series Forecasting. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2018, v. 831, p. 13-23.
Torres, Luiz C. B.; Lemos, André P. ; Castro, Cristiano L. ; Braga, Antônio P. . A Geometrical Approach for Parameter Selection of Radial Basis Functions Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2014, v. 8681, p. 531-538.
Torres, Luiz C. B.; Castro, Cristiano L. ; Braga, Antônio P. . A Computational Geometry Approach for Pareto-Optimal Selection of Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, v. 7553, p. 100-107.
ARAUJO, LOURENCO R. G. ; Torres, Luiz C. B. ; SILVESTRE, LEONARDO J. ; TAKAHASHI, CARLA ; BRAGA, ANTONIO P. . Regularization of Extreme Learning Machines with information of spatial relations of the projected data. In: 2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2019, Paris. v. 19. p. 593-7.
RIBEIRO, E. S. ; TORRES, V. A. M. F. ; JAIMES, B. R. A. ; BRAGA, M. T. ; SHIGUEMORI, E. H. ; VELHO, H. F. C. ; TORRES, L. C. B. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Weightless neural systems for deforestation surveillance and image-based navigation of UAVs in the Amazon forest. In: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2019, Bruges. ESANN'2019, 2019. v. 19. p. 1-7.
SOUZA, ALAN C. ; LEITE CASTRO, CRISTIANO ; GARCIA, JANIER ARIAS ; Torres, Luiz C. B. ; ACEVEDO JAIMES, LEIDY J. ; JAIMES, BRAYAN R. A. . Improving the Efficiency of Gabriel Graph-based Classifiers for Hardware-optimized Implementations. In: 2019 XXII Symposium on Image, Signal Processing and Artificial Vision (STSIVA), 2019, Bucaramanga. 2019 XXII Symposium on Image, Signal Processing and Artificial Vision (STSIVA), 2019. v. XXII. p. 1-5.
TAKAHASHI, CARLA C. ; Torres, Luiz C. B. ; BRAGA, ANTONIO P. . Gabriel Graph Transductive Approach to Dataset Shift. In: 2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2019, Paris. 2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2019. v. 6. p. 1622-1627.
DE CAMPOS SOUZA, PAULO VITOR ; SILVA, GUSTAVO RODRIGUES LACERDA ; TORRES, LUIZ CARLOS BAMBIRRA . Uninorm based regularized fuzzy neural networks. In: 2018 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), 2018, Rhodes. 2018 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), 2018. p. 1.
BATISTA, P. V. C. ; BRAGA, A. P. ; TORRES, L. C. B. . Cálculo do Raio em Redes RBF Baseado na Distância Média Entre os Centros. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2018, João Pessoa. XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2018. v. XXII. p. 1-6.
ARAUJO, L. R. G. ; TORRES, L. C. B. ; SILVESTRE, L. J. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Extreme Learning Machines regularizadas de forma automática a partir das informações estruturais da matriz de projeção. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2018, João Pessoa. XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2018. v. XXII. p. 1-6.
SALGADO, M. N. ; TORRES, L. C. B. ; COELHO, Frederico ; BRAGA, A. P. . Informação estrutural dada por Grafos de Gabriel aplicada à regularização de redes neurais RBF. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2018, João Pessoa. XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2018. v. XXII. p. 1-7.
GALINDO, J. C. F. ; TORRES, L. C. B. ; SILVA, G. R. L. ; BRAGA, A. P. . CML-Simplex: uma abordagem de programação linear para classificadores incrementais de margem larga. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, 2017. XIII Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2017. v. XIII.
JAIMES, B. R. A. ; CASTRO, C. L. ; SILVA, G. R. L. ; BRAGA, A. P. ; TORRES, L. C. B. . Cluster-CV: Uma Abordagem de Visão Computacional para a Identificação Espacial de Agrupamentos de Dados. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, 2017, Niterói. XIII Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2017.
GADE, L. R. ; CASTRO, C. L. ; TORRES, L.C.B. ; COELHO, Frederico ; BRAGA, A.P. ; SILL TORRES, F. ; GARCIA, J. A. . NN-clas: classificador geométrico de margem larga baseado na regra do vizinho mais próximo. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, 2017, Niterói. XIII Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2017. v. XIII.
SALGADO, M. N. ; TORRES, L. C. B. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Modelo geométrico de margem larga baseado em propriedades estruturais de Grafos de Gabriel e em distância geodésica. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, 2017, Niterói. XIII Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2017. v. XIII.
MENEZES, M. V. F. ; TORRES, L. C. B. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Otimização da Largura de Kernels RBF para Máquinas de Vetores de Suporte: Uma Abordagem Baseada em Estimativa de Densidades. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, 2017, Niterói. XIII Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2017. v. XIII.
GOMES, I. P. ; TORRES, L. C. B. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Aprendizado de Métrica Supervisionado para Classificador por Arestas de Suporte. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, 2017, Niterói. XIII Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2017.
TORRES, L. C. B.; Castro, C.L. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Gabriel Graph for Dataset Structure and Large Margin Classification: A Bayesian Approach. In: Proceedings of the European Symposium on Neural Networks, 2015, Bruges. ESANN 2015, 2015. p. 237-242.
TORRES, LUIZ C.B.; Castro, Cristiano L. ; BRAGA, ANTONIO P. . A parameterless mixture model for large margin classification. In: 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2015, Killarney. 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). p. 1-6.
DIADELMO, MARCUS V. F. ; Torres, Luiz C. B. ; BITTENCOURT, VICTOR ; GUIMARÃES, FREDERICO G. ; Castro, Cristiano L. ; Braga, Antônio P. . Classificador Incremental de Margem Larga com Memória Parcial via Grafo de Gabriel. In: 12. Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, 2015, Curitiba. Anais do 12. Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional. v. 12. p. 1.
TORRES, L. C. B.; COELHO, Frederico ; CASTRO, C. L. ; BRAGA, A. P. . A Graph of Gabriel Approach for Large Margin Classifiers. In: LA-CCI - The Latin American Congress on Computational Intelligence Co-located with ARGENCON, 2014, San Carlos de Bariloche. Proceedings LA-CCI 2014, 2014. v. 1. p. 25-
SOUZA, P. V. C. ; TORRES, L. C. B. ; BRAGA, A. P. ; COELHO, Frederico . Análise de Algoritmos de Maximização de Margem Baseados em Grafos de Gabriel e Fecho Afim. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2014, Belo Horizonte. Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2014. v. 1. p. 1246-1253.
FARIA, A. W. C. ; SILVA, A. M. ; TORRES, L. C. B. ; Erazo-Costa, F.E. ; CASTRO, C. L. ; SANTOS FILHO, S. A. ; SOUZA, A. P. ; TIERRA-CRIOLLO, C. J. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Selection and Classification Methods for Detecting Imagination Movement and Spontaneous EEG Signals: A Study of Methodologies. In: XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica, 2014, Uberlândia. Anais do XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica, 2014. v. XVI. p. 794-797.
SANTOS, A. L. ; TORRES, L. C. B. ; VELHO, H. F. C. ; SHIGUEMORI, E. H. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Controle e navegação de VANTs através de utilização de template matching. In: Computer on the beach, 2013, Florianópolis. Anais do Computer on the beach, 2013. p. 70-78.
TORRES, L. C. B.; LEMOS, A. P. ; CASTRO, C. L. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Projeto de redes RBF baseado na estrutura dos dados e em informações de margem. In: 1st BRICS Countries Congress (BRICS-CCI) and 11th Brazilian Congress (CBIC) on Computational Intelligence, 2013, Porto de Galinhas. Proceedings of (BRICS-CCI) & CBIC, 2013. p. 1-7.
BORTOLINI, D. ; TORRES, L. C. B. ; Castro, C.L. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Uma Nova Abordagem Baseada na Teoria dos Jogos para Seleção de Modelos Neurais.. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2012, Campina Grande. Anais do XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2012. v. 1. p. 5421-5426.
Valente, R.X. ; BUZZATI, F. ; TORRES, L. C. B. ; FRANCA, L. A. ; SILVA, G. R. L. ; FONSECA, A. D. R. ; SILVA, V. S. P. ; IRIAS, R. M. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Projetos de Redes de Distribuição Rural Utilizando Ambiente de Realidade Virtual Geográfico. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE GEOPROCESSAMENTO DO SETOR ELÉTRICO, 2012, Recife. II ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE GEOPROCESSAMENTO DO SETOR ELÉTRICO - II ENGEO, 2012.
TORRES, L. C. B.; Castro, C.L. ; BRAGA, A. P. . Estratégia de Decisão Baseada em Margem para o Aprendizado Multiobjetivo de Redes Neurais. In: X Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, 2011, Fortaleza. CBIC, 2011.