Anomalous response of supported few-layer hexagonal boron nitride to DC electric fields: a confined water effect?


Oliveira CK, Matos MJS, Mazzoni MSC, Chacham H, Neves BRA. Anomalous response of supported few-layer hexagonal boron nitride to DC electric fields: a confined water effect?. Nanotechnology. 2012;23(17).


We use electric force microscopy (EFM) to study the response of supported few-layer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) to an electric field applied by the EFM tip. Our results show an anomalous behavior in the dielectric response of h-BN atop Si oxide for different bias polarities: for a positive bias applied to the tip, h-BN layers respond with a larger dielectric constant than the dielectric constant of the substrate, while for a negative bias, the h-BN dielectric constant appears to be smaller. Based on ab initio calculations, we propose that this behavior is due to a water layer confined between the Si oxide substrate and h-BN layers. This hypothesis was experimentally confirmed by sample annealing and also by a comparative analysis with h-BN on a non-polar substrate.