

This software is a educational game for Android devices. The app's target audience is teenagers and adults intersted in improving their knowledge in the Portuguese language. The app is composed of several smaller games, each one with one target, like grammar, spelling or vocabulary. The user interface is atractive and aims to pass on knowledge in a recreational, dynamic and playful way.

  1. Facebook login;
  2. Five educational games: 1. Barcografia; 2. Aqualário; 3. Flexionamente; 4. Balografia; 5. Vocabulando
  3. Automatically adjusted difficulty level;
  4. Performance charts;
  5. Minimally funcional database (need to increment).
Future Work
  1. Increment the database;
  2. Improve the difficulty level adjustment algorithm;
  3. Balance the score recording;
  4. Bug fixing;
  5. See and compare Facebook friends' scores.
  • Developers: Fonseca, GHG; Sales, NA; Alvim, PBN
  • Programming Languages: Java (native Android)
  • Technologies: Android Studio.
  • Released on: December 2018 

Portuga4.07 MB