Algoritmo Memético aplicado ao Problema de Alocação de Frequências em Redes Celulares


Santos PS, Fonseca GHG. Algoritmo Memético aplicado ao Problema de Alocação de Frequências em Redes Celulares. LII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional. 2020;LII.


This work presents a solution to the Frequency Assignment Problem in cellular networks using the memetic algorithm. The Frequency Assignment Problem that will be addressed in this work consists in finding the smallest number of frequencies that must be used in a network so that there is no interference. This problem is proven NP-hard, so it is often impraticable to solve it by exact methods. Therefore, it is necessary to study heuristics approaches to provide good approximations for it, as is the case with evolutionary algorithms. The results obtained by the memetic algorithm proposed in the present work were superior to those of the existing heuristic approaches in the literature, which indicates that it is a promising approach to this problem.