
Soares-Quadros JF. Mass Media y consumo musical en estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria en Brasil. Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica [Internet]. 2017;30:187-209. Publisher's VersionAbstract
O principal objetivo deste artigo é discutir a influência dos meios de comunicação de massa e outros agentes da educação informal sobre as preferências musicais dos estudantes do ensino médio no Brasil. Como dados empíricos, foi realizada uma pesquisa com 940 alunos (mulheres e homens) de Vitória (Espírito Santo-Brasil), que confirmaram os meios de comunicação de massa como os principais agentes determinantes em sua predileção musical, entre os quais a Internet e a Rádio, seguiram pela influência de amigos e televisão. Portanto, é enfatizada a importância de criar políticas públicas que favoreçam o acesso e a disseminação de música através de diferentes meios de comunicação, especialmente enfatizando sua inserção na educação formal e não formal, fato que provavelmente suavizará a potencial soberania dos agentes de mídia.
Soares-Quadros JF, Quiles OL, de Quadros MRSS, Barros ADP. Música na escola: proposta de intervenção em escolas de ensino médio em São Luís-MA. Cadernos de Pesquisa [Internet]. 2017;24:104-124. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Esse estudo teve como objetivo implementar um plano de ações para a inclusão da Música no ensino médio em São Luís/MA. Para tanto, buscamos elaborar uma proposta curricular adequada à legislação e aos documentos norteadores da educação, tanto em âmbito nacional como local. Além disso, o trabalho propôs também a elaboração de materiais didáticos para o ensino de Música direcionado ao ensino médio, a partir da consulta a materiais didáticos já existentes e em conformidade com o previsto nas Diretrizes Curriculares da SEDUC-MA. Dessa forma, a pesquisa empregou como método a pesquisa-ação, contando com a participação de 10 escolas públicas, contemplando aproximadamente 1000 alunos. Para coleta de dados, utilizou-se da aplicação de questionários para diagnóstico das turmas e avaliação da proposta desenvolvida, reuniões pedagógicas e relatórios dos professores. Assim, esse trabalho conseguiu obter as seguintes conclusões: 1) a proposta desenvolvida obteve a aprovação dos participantes; 2) os estudantes de ensino médio são favoráveis à inserção da Música enquanto disciplina do currículo escolar; 3) fatores como infraestrutura, água e segurança influem diretamente no desenvolvimento da educação. Dessa forma, espera-se que esse estudo possa contribuir para o surgimento de propostas similares em outras localidades do país.
Santos T, Xavier S. A New Convergence Measure based on Shannon Entropy for Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms, in DINCON – Conferência Brasileira de Dinâmica, Controle e Aplicações. DINCON – Conferência Brasileira de Dinâmica, Controle e Aplicações.; 2017.
Soares-Quadros JF, Quiles OL, Barros ADP. O professor de Arte no Ensino Médio: um estudo exploratório em escolas estaduais de São Luís-MA. In: Conhecimentos, saberes e experiências na Educação Básica: práticas curriculares na Educação Básica. Vol. 1. 1st ed. Conhecimentos, saberes e experiências na Educação Básica: práticas curriculares na Educação Básica. São Luís: EDUFMA; 2017. pp. 67-90.
SoaresMattos LH, Speziali MG. Patent landscape: Technology development behind science in the flavor and fragrances (F&F) area. World of Patent Information [Internet]. 2017;51:57-65. Publisher's Version
Martins LGP, Matos MJS, Paschoal AR, Freire PTC, Andrade NF, Aguiar A??sioL, Kong J, Neves BRA, de Oliveira AB, Mazzoni M??rioSC, et al. Raman evidence for pressure-induced formation of diamondene. Nature Communications [Internet]. 2017;8:96. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Despite the advanced stage of diamond thin-film technology, with applications ranging from superconductivity to biosensing, the realization of a stable and atomically thick two-dimensional diamond material, named here as diamondene, is still forthcoming. Adding to the outstanding properties of its bulk and thin-film counterparts, diamondene is predicted to be a ferromagnetic semiconductor with spin polarized bands. Here, we provide spectroscopic evidence for the formation of diamondene by performing Raman spectroscopy of double-layer graphene under high pressure. The results are explained in terms of a breakdown in the Kohn anomaly associated with the finite size of the remaining graphene sites surrounded by the diamondene matrix. Ab initio calculations and molecular dynamics simulations are employed to clarify the mechanism of diamondene formation, which requires two or more layers of graphene subjected to high pressures in the presence of specific chemical groups such as hydroxyl groups or hydrogens.
Reactive nitrogen/oxygen species production by nitro/nitrosyl supramolecular ruthenium porphyrin complexes. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A, Chemistry [Internet]. 2017;338:152-160. Publisher's Version
Amaral MA, Perc M \checkz\else ż\fi, Wardil L, Szolnoki A, da Silva Júnior EJ, da Silva JKL. Role-separating ordering in social dilemmas controlled by topological frustration. Phys. Rev. E [Internet]. 2017;95:032307. Publisher's Version
Ruthenium(II)/triphenylphosphine complexes: An effective way to improve the cytotoxicity of lapachol. POLYHEDRON [Internet]. 2017;130:108-114. Publisher's Version
ARAUJO JAS, SANTOS HGS. Separation Strategies to Chvátal-Gomory Cuts for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems: a Computational Study. The 17th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications. 2017:452-466.Abstract
KEESEN F, CASTRO E SILVA A, ARASHIRO E, PINHEIRO CFS. Simulations of populations of Sapajus robustus in a fragmented landscape. Ecological Modelling [Internet]. 2017;344:38–47. Publisher's Version
Reis D, Nunes D, Mota VFS. StreetCheck: Sensoriando e Inferindo a Qualidade de Vias Urbanas, in Iv Workshop De Iniciação Científica em Sistemas De Informação. Iv Workshop De Iniciação Científica em Sistemas De Informação. CSBC; 2017:1–4.
de Moraes EE, Coutinho-Filho MD, Campos Batista RJ. Transport Properties of Hydrogenated Cubic Boron Nitride Nanofilms with Gold Electrodes from Density Functional Theory. ACS Omega. 2017;2(4):1696-1701.Abstract
The electrical transport properties of a four-layered hydrogen-terminated cubic boron nitride sub-nanometer film in contact with gold electrodes are investigated via density functional calculations. The sample exhibits asymmetric metallic surfaces, a fundamental feature that triggers the system to behave like a typical p–n junction diode for voltage bias in the interval −0.2 ≤ V ≤ 0.2, where a rectification ratio up to 62 is verified. Further, in the wider region −0.3 ≤ V ≤ 0.3, negative differential resistance with a peak-to-valley ratio of 10 is observed. The qualitative behavior of the I–V characteristics is described in terms of the hydrogenated cBN film equilibrium electronic structure. Such a film shows metallic surfaces due to surface electronic states at a fraction of eV above and below the Fermi level of the N–H terminated and B–H terminated surfaces, respectively, with a wide bulk-band gap characteristic of BN materials. Such a mechanism is supported by transmission coefficient calculations, with the Landauer–Büttiker formula governing the I–V characteristics.
de Almeida EC, Santos TF. Uma breve introdução ao Conjunto de Cantor. Revista de Matemática. 2017;1:60–65.
Understanding the conformational changes and molecular structure of furoyl thioureas upon substitution. Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy [Internet]. 2017;176:8-17. Publisher's Version
Cardoso DC. Agro-predation by Megalomyrmex ants on Mycetophylax fungus-growing ants. Insectes Sociaux [Internet]. 2016;63(3):483-486. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Fungus-growing ants are a remarkable taxon of New World ants that engage in a mutualistic symbiosis with basidiomycete fungi. Their fungus-gardens are valuable resources and are exploited in countless ways by parasites and other beneficiaries outside of the ant-fungi mutualism. Here, for the first time, we report on the agro-predatory behavior of the ant Megalomyrmex incisus on Mycetophylax conformis and Mycetophylax morschi fungus-growers from sand dunes near Ilhéus, Brazil. Me. incisus workers raided colonies of My. conformis and My. morschi and aggressively antennated, pulled, bit, and stung the fungus-growers, which played dead or retreated on the fungus. Me. incisus quickly usurped the fungus-garden and expelled all Mycetophylax workers. The usurpation closely resembled that described for raids of Me. wettereri on Cyphomyrmex longiscapus, in that the fungus-growers remained passive and avoided confrontation. This passive behavior suggests that Me. incisus uses chemical weapons that facilitate the exploitation of the host colony resources.
Mota VFS, Moura HD, Silva VF, Macedo DF, Ghamri-Doudanez Y, Nogueira JMS. Analisando a Capacidade de Descarregamento de Redes Móveis por meio de Redes Oportunísticas, in XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Rede de Computadores. XXXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Rede de Computadores. CSBC; 2016:1–14.
Wardil L, Hauert C. (Behavioural experiment) Targeted Cooperative Actions Shape Social Networks. PLOS ONE. 2016;11:e0147850.Abstract
Individual acts of cooperation give rise to dynamic social networks. Traditionally, models for cooperation in structured populations are based on a separation of individual strategies and of population structure. Individuals adopt a strategy – typically cooperation or defection, which determines their behaviour toward their neighbours as defined by an interaction network. Here, we report a behavioural experiment that amalgamates strategies and structure to empirically investigate the dynamics of social networks. The action of paying a cost c to provide a benefit b is represented as a directed link point from the donor to the recipient. Participants can add and/or remove links to up to two recipients in each round. First, we show that dense networks emerge, where individuals are characterized by fairness: they receive to the same extent they provide. More specifically, we investigate how participants use information about the generosity and payoff of others to update their links. It turns out that aversion to payoff inequity was the most consistent update rule: adding links to individuals that are worse off and removing links to individuals that are better off. We then investigate the effect of direct reciprocation, showing that the possibility of direct reciprocation does not increase cooperation as compared to the treatment where participants are totally unaware of who is providing benefits to them.
Machado R  E  G, Manos T. Chaotic motion and the evolution of morphological components in a time-dependent model of a barred galaxy within a dark matter halo. \mnras. 2016;458:3578-3591.Abstract
Studies of dynamical stability (chaotic versus regular motion) in galactic dynamics often rely on static analytical models of the total gravitational potential. Potentials based upon self-consistent N-body simulations offer more realistic models, fully incorporating the time-dependent nature of the systems. Here we aim at analysing the fractions of chaotic motion within different morphological components of the galaxy. We wish to investigate how the presence of chaotic orbits evolves with time, and how their spatial distribution is associated with morphological features of the galaxy. We employ a time-dependent analytical potential model that was derived from an N-body simulation of a strongly barred galaxy. With this analytical potential, we may follow the dynamical evolution of ensembles of orbits. Using the Generalized Alignment Index (GALI) chaos detection method, we study the fraction of chaotic orbits, sampling the dynamics of both the stellar disc and of the dark matter halo. Within the stellar disc, the global trend is for chaotic motion to decrease in time, specially in the region of the bar. We scrutinized the different changes of regime during the evolution (orbits that are permanently chaotic, permanently regular, those that begin regular and end chaotic, and those that begin chaotic and end regular), tracing the types of orbits back to their common origins. Within the dark matter halo, chaotic motion also decreases globally in time. The inner halo (r $łt$ 5 kpc) is where most chaotic orbits are found and it is the only region where chaotic orbits outnumber regular orbits, in the early evolution.
BARBOSA, EDUARDO; ARASHIRO EVERALDO; PINHEIROCARLOSFELIPE;CASTROSILVAALCIDESE. CLUSTER FORMATION DYNAMICS OF HETEROGENEOUS AGENTS, in 6th Internacional Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, NSC 2016. 6th Internacional Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, NSC 2016. São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil; 2016.
Soares-Quadros JF. Discussões epistemológicas: as Ciências Humanas sob uma ótica interdisciplinar. 1st ed. (Soares-Quadros JF). São Luís: EDUFMA; 2016 pp. 248.
de Almeida JE, Almeida DEV. A DITADURA DO ALGORÍTIMO E A PROTEÇÃO DA PESSOA HUMANA: uma análise do controle do Si eletrônico. Revista de Direito Privado. 2016;69:29-43.
Tripodi ZF. Educação Infantil: da diversidade de oferta aos novos locais de governança. Educação [Internet]. 2016;39(3):383-392. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Este texto apresenta resultados preliminares de pesquisa que tem sido realizada no âmbito de pós-doutorado, no Centro de Estudos da Metrópole – USP/Cebrap. Busca-se examinar, aqui, as principais tendências de expansão da educação infantil pelos municípios, tendo como referência o novo Plano Nacional de Educação. Inicialmente, faz- se uma breve retrospectiva dos marcos regulatórios da educação infantil. Discute-se, em seguida, o federalismo, a reforma do aparelho do Estado (1995) e sua interface com a educação das crianças pequenas. A instituição do PNE, as metas das capitais brasileiras para a primeira etapa da educação básica e os novos locais de governança são o foco de atenção seguinte do texto. Por fim, conclui-se que a publicação da Lei no 13.019/2014 concorre para reafirmar a tendência de oferta da educação infantil pelo setor público não estatal, tendo em vista as metas do PNE.
Filho VFL, Machado G, Batista RJC, Soares JS, de Oliveira AB, de Vasconcelos C, Lino AA, Manhabosco TM. Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles on Polyaniline Films Electropolymerized at Different pH. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. 2016;120:14977-14983.Abstract
In this work hybrids of titanium manopartides and polyaniline are obtained by pulsed electrodeposition at different pH (1.5, 3.9 and 5.9) and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, ultraviolet-visible, and Raman spectroscopies. We found that films deposited at pH 5.9 with nanoparticles incorporation are composed of emeraldine meanwhile films without nanoparticles are composed of pernigraniline. As a result, films deposited with nanoparticles incorporation present conductivity 6 times higher than that of films deposited. without nanoparticles. Films deposited at pH 3.9 with or without nanoparticles incorporation are both made of pernigraniline. Even though films with nanoparticles incorporation still present higher conductivity. To explain such a result, we performed first-principles calculations on polyaniline/TiO2 interface. The calculations predict a metallic polyaniline/TiO2 interface in spite of polyaniline and TiO2 being semiconductors. At pH 1.5, the presence of nanoparticles has negligible effect on films characteristics. We believe that at low pH (pH 1.5) H atoms tend to bind TiO2 surface resulting in positively charged nanoparticles, which are further screened by SO4-2 anions. Such a screening layer prevents the physical contact between nanoparticles and polyaniline monomers diminishing the effects of nanopartide presence.
Filho VFL, Machado G, Batista RJC, Soares JS, de Oliveira AB, de Vasconcelos C, Lino AA, Manhabosco TM. Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles on Polyaniline Films Electropolymerized at Different pH. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. 2016;120:14977-14983.Abstract
In this work hybrids of titanium manopartides and polyaniline are obtained by pulsed electrodeposition at different pH (1.5, 3.9 and 5.9) and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, ultraviolet-visible, and Raman spectroscopies. We found that films deposited at pH 5.9 with nanoparticles incorporation are composed of emeraldine meanwhile films without nanoparticles are composed of pernigraniline. As a result, films deposited with nanoparticles incorporation present conductivity 6 times higher than that of films deposited. without nanoparticles. Films deposited at pH 3.9 with or without nanoparticles incorporation are both made of pernigraniline. Even though films with nanoparticles incorporation still present higher conductivity. To explain such a result, we performed first-principles calculations on polyaniline/TiO2 interface. The calculations predict a metallic polyaniline/TiO2 interface in spite of polyaniline and TiO2 being semiconductors. At pH 1.5, the presence of nanoparticles has negligible effect on films characteristics. We believe that at low pH (pH 1.5) H atoms tend to bind TiO2 surface resulting in positively charged nanoparticles, which are further screened by SO4-2 anions. Such a screening layer prevents the physical contact between nanoparticles and polyaniline monomers diminishing the effects of nanopartide presence.
Amaral MA, Wardil L, Perc M, da Silva JKL. Evolutionary mixed games in structured populations: Cooperation and the benefits of heterogeneity. Physical Review E. 2016;93.Abstract
Evolutionary games on networks traditionally involve the same game at each interaction. Here we depart from this assumption by considering mixed games, where the game played at each interaction is drawn uniformly at random from a set of two different games. While in well-mixed populations the random mixture of the two games is always equivalent to the average single game, in structured populations this is not always the case. We show that the outcome is, in fact, strongly dependent on the distance of separation of the two games in the parameter space. Effectively, this distance introduces payoff heterogeneity, and the average game is returned only if the heterogeneity is small. For higher levels of heterogeneity the distance to the average game grows, which often involves the promotion of cooperation. The presented results support preceding research that highlights the favorable role of heterogeneity regardless of its origin, and they also emphasize the importance of the population structure in amplifying facilitators of cooperation.
de Almeida RB, de Almeida JE. A exigibilidade da autorização conjugal para alienar ou gravar de ônus real os bens imóveis. In: Direito Civil na Contemporaneidade. Vol. 1. Direito Civil na Contemporaneidade. Belo Horizonte: D Plácido; 2016.
Fonseca GHG, Santos HG, Toffolo TÂM, Brito SS, Souza MJF. GOAL solver: a hybrid local search based solver for high school timetabling. Annals of Operations Research [Internet]. 2016;239:77–97. Publisher's VersionAbstract
This work presents a local search approach to the High School Timetabling Problem. The addressed timetabling model is the one stated in the Third International Timetabling Competition (ITC 2011), which considered many instances from educational institutions around the world and attracted seventeen competitors. Our team, named GOAL (Group of Optimization and Algorithms), developed a solver built upon the Kingston High School Timetabling Engine. Several neighborhood structures were developed and used in a hybrid metaheuristic based on Simulated Annealing and Iterated Local Search. The developed algorithm was the winner of the competition and produced the best known solutions for almost all instances.
Tripodi ZF, Sousa SZ. A GOVERNANÇA EM REDE NA REGULAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO BÁSICA MINEIRA: QUEM GOVERNA O QUÊ? . Educação em Revista [Internet]. 2016;32(04):297-321. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to examine the logic of network governance that has been adopted in education policy in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, in the context of basic education, as a result of the increased use of management mechanisms used in state reforms. For this purpose, we take as reference the results of documentary research institution that examined the process of contractual agenda in state education and its deepening as a result of the approach to the “State Network”, covering the period 2003 to 2014. The evidence indicate that the alterations, especially with the insertion of the position of Civil Society Pubic Interest - OSCIPs, have contributed to a change in the form of state action with respect to basic education, reordering its role, which becomes a regulator of the regulation, thus characterizing a “meta-governance”. It concludes highlighting the tensions that the network approach brings to the achievement of public values like equality and citizenship.
Gonçalves L, et al. Granites of the intracontinental termination of a magmatic arc: an example from the Ediacaran Araçuaí orogen, southeastern Brazil. Gondwana Research. 2016;36:439-458.Abstract
The Araçuaí orogen of southeastern Brazil together with the West Congo belt of central West Africa form the Araçuaí–West Congo orogen generated during closure of a terminal segment of the Neoproterozoic Adamastor Ocean. Corresponding to an embayment in the São Francisco–Congo Craton, this portion of the Adamastor was only partially floored by oceanic crust. The convergence of its margins led to the development of the Rio Doce magmatic arc between 630 Ma and 580 Ma. The Rio Doce magmatic arc terminates in the northern portion of the Araçuaí orogen. Granitic plutons exposed in the northern extremity of the arc provide a rare opportunity to study magmatism at arc terminations, and to understand the interplay between calc-alkaline magma production and crustal recycling. The plutons forming the terminus of the arc consist of granodiorites, tonalites and monzogranites similar to a magnesian, slightly peraluminous, calcic- (68%) to calc-alkaline (24%), with minor alkali-calcic (8%) facies, medium- to high-K magmatic series. Although marked by negative Nb–Ta, Sr and Ti anomalies, typically associated with subduction-related magmas, the combined Sr, Nd and Hf isotopic data characterize a crustal signature related to anatexis of metamorphosed igneous and sedimentary rocks, rather than fractional crystallization of mantle-derived magmas. Zircon U–Pb ages characterizes two groups of granitoids. The older group, crystallized between 630 and 590 Ma, experienced a migmatization event at ca. 585 Ma. The younger granitoids, emplaced between 570 and 590 Ma, do not show any evidence for migmatization. Most of the investigated samples show good correlation with the experimental compositional field of amphibolite dehydration-melting, with some samples plotting into the field of greywacke dehydration-melting. The studied rocks are not typical I-type or S-type granites, being particularly similar to transitional I/S-type granitoids described in the Ordovician Famatinian arc (NW Argentina). We suggest a hybrid model involving dehydration-melting of meta-igneous (amphibolites) and metasedimentary (greywackes) rocks for magma production in the northern termination of the Rio Doce arc. The real contribution of each end-member is, however, a challenging work still to be done.
SANTOS, W. ; RODRIGUEZ PATROCINIOMNASCIMENTOSAFABRISOLIVEIRAM ; A ;. A hole inversion layer at the BiVO4/Bi4V2O11 interface produces a high tunable photovoltage for water splitting. Scientific Reports. 2016;6:p. 31406,.
Junior EJS, Wardil LL, da Silva JKL. Inactive sites and the evolution of cooperation. EPL. 2016;116:18004.
Fonseca GHG, Santos HG, Carrano EG. Integrating matheuristics and metaheuristics for timetabling. Computers & Operations Research [Internet]. 2016;74:108 - 117. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Abstract The High School Timetabling Problem requires the assignment of times and resources to events, while sets of required and desirable constraints must be considered. The most common approach for this problem is to employ metaheuristic methods. This work presents a matheuristic approach that combines a Variable Neighbourhood Search algorithm with mathematical programming-based neighbourhoods for high school timetabling. Computational experiments on well-known benchmark instances demonstrate the success of the proposed hybrid approach, which outperforms the standalone Variable Neighbourhood Search algorithm by far. Additionally, the proposed algorithm was able to improve 15 out of 17 current best known solutions in a very famous benchmark set.
Guimarães D, de Oliveira VA, Leão VA. Kinetic and thermal decomposition of ettringite synthesized from aqueous solutions. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry [Internet]. 2016;124:1679-1689. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of a synthetic ettringite sample was studied between 298 and 820 K in an inert atmosphere for the present work. The ettringite and its thermal decomposition products were characterized using X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. Four endothermic events were observed with thermogravimetry curves, the maxima of which occurred at 366, 397, 537, and 641 K. All events were associated with the loss of water molecules with different degrees of interaction within the ettringite structure. Chemical equations for each decomposition step were proposed based on the percentages of mass loss observed. In addition, for the first time, the activation energies of each ettringite decomposition events were determined by the isoconversional methods of Ozawa–Flynn–Wall, Friedman, and Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose. The modeling revealed that the activation energy varied from ~50 kJ mol−1, characteristic of mass transfer control steps, to ~150 kJ mol−1, which is typical of chemical control, as the temperature increased and the ettringite structure lost water. A total of 32 mol of water was released equivalent to 43.1 % of the initial sample mass.
Fonseca GHG, Santos HG, Carrano EG. Late acceptance hill-climbing for high school timetabling. Journal of Scheduling [Internet]. 2016;19:453–465. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The application of the Late Acceptance Hill-Climbing (LAHC) to solve the High School Timetabling Problem is the subject of this manuscript. The original algorithm and two variants proposed here are tested jointly with other state-of-art methods to solve the instances proposed in the Third International Timetabling Competition. Following the same rules of the competition, the LAHC-based algorithms noticeably outperformed the winning methods. These results, and reports from the literature, suggest that the LAHC is a reliable method that can compete with the most employed local search algorithms.
Moura VPB, PINHEIRO CFS. Mapeamento de superfícies de resistência de paisagem em grafos para a determinação da conectividade efetiva em habitats fragmentados., in Anais do Encontro dos Saberes 2016- Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Anais do Encontro dos Saberes 2016- Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto; 2016.
Monteiro-Oliveira R, Cypriano E  S, Machado R  E  G, Lima-Neto G  B, Ribeiro A  L  B, odré, Jr L, Dupke R  A. The merger history of the complex cluster Abell 1758: a combined weak lensing and spectroscopic view. ArXiv e-prints. 2016.Abstract
{We present a weak-lensing and dynamical study of the complex cluster Abell 1758 (A175
Fonseca GHG, Santos HG, Carrano EG, Stidsen TJR. Modelling and solving university course timetabling problems through XHSTT, in Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling.Vol 16. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling. Udine, Italy; 2016:127–138.Abstract
The XHSTT was proposed as a standard format to express a wide range of School Timetabling problems. Although the format is powerful to represent different timetabling features, its application to University Course Timetabling (UCT) problems was not formally studied. The goal of this work is to present encodings from Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling (CB-CTT) and Post-Enrolment Course Timetabling (PE-CTT) to XHSTT and to evaluate how a state-of-art XHSTT solver performs on these problems. Computational experiments performed suggested that this approach is suitable for dealing with UCT: XHSTT solver would be ranked as fourth in CB-CTT track of the Second International Timetabling Competition (ITC2007) and it achieved feasible solutions for most PE-CTT instances within one hour. Although the results do not outperform the best known approaches for these problems, XHSTT solvers were designed to handle a wide range of features and constraints beyond the ones present in these models, making it able to fit the specific requirements of several universities.
BRANDÀO AC, Araujo JAS, de Lima TFM. Musical Instructor: concepção e desenvolvimento de um jogo para o ensino de música. I SLAT JOGOS - SIMPÓSIO LATINO AMERICANO DE JOGOS [Internet]. 2016. Publisher's Version
Coelho PM, dos Reis DD, Matos MJS, Mendes-de-Sa TG, Goncalves AMB, Lacerda RG, Malachias A, Magalhaes-Paniago R. Near-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy signature of image potential states in multilayer epitaxial graphene. Surface Science [Internet]. 2016;644:135-140. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Single layer behavior in multilayer epitaxial graphene has been a matter of intense investigation. This is due to the layer decoupling that occurs during growth of graphene on some types of substrates, such as carbon-terminated silicon carbide. We show here that near-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy can be used to observe the signature of this decoupling. To this end, samples of multilayer graphene from silicon carbide sublimation were grown with different degrees of decoupling. Raman spectroscopy was used to infer the degree of structural decoupling. X-ray grazing-incidence diffraction and scanning tunneling microscopy showed that growth initiates with the presence of bilayer graphene commensurate structures, while layer decoupling is associated to the formation of incommensurate structures observed for longer sublimation time. Near-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy was used to probe the electronic states above the Fermi energy. Besides the σ* and π* empty states, image potential states are observed and show a clear change of intensity as a function of incident angle. These image potential states evolve from a graphite- to graphene-like behavior as a function of growth time and can be used to infer the degree of structural coupling among layers.
Araujo JAS, Santos HG, Baltar DD, Toffolo TAM, Wauters T. Neighborhood Composition Strategies in Stochastic Local Search. 10th International Workshop on Hybrid Metaheuristics (HM2016). 2016.
Dainese CA, Garbin TR. O MÉTODO GENÉTICO PARA ANÁLISE DOS USOS DE TDIC EM ESPAÇO EDUCATIVO EM ORGANIZAÇÃO PÚBLICA. IX Encontro de Estudos Organizacionais da ANPAD [Internet]. 2016;01:01-12. Publisher's Version
de Oliveira AB, Chacham H, Soares JS, Manhabosco TM, de Resende HFV, Batista RJC.

{Vibrational G peak splitting in laterally functionalized single wall carbon nanotubes: Theory and molecular dynamics simulations}

. {CARBON}. 2016;{96}:{616-621}.Abstract
{We present a theoretical study of the vibrational spectrum, in the G band region, of laterally hydrogenated single wall carbon nanotubes through molecular dynamics simulations. We find that bilateral hydrogenation which can be induced by hydrogenation under lateral strain causes permanent oval deformations on the nanotubes and induces the splitting of vibrational states in the G-band region. We propose that such splitting can be used as a Raman fingerprint for detecting nanotubes that have been permanently modified due to bilateral hydrogenation. In particular, our results may help to clarify the recent findings of Araujo and collaborators {[}Nano Lett. 12, 4110 (2012)1 which have found permanent modifications in the Raman G peaks of locally compressed carbon nanotubes. We have also developed an analytical model for the proposed phenomenon that reproduces the splitting observed in the simulations. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.}
Santos T, Takahashi RHC. On the performance degradation of dominance-based evolutionary algorithms in many-objective optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 2016;PP:1-1.
Soares-Quadros JF, Quiles OL. Preferência Musical: uma revisão dos fatores extramusicais que influenciam na escolha de músicas por ouvintes. In: Música, educação e cultura: tessituras e tecituras no nordeste brasileiro. Vol. 1. 1st ed. Música, educação e cultura: tessituras e tecituras no nordeste brasileiro. São Paulo: FACCAMP; 2016. pp. 63-87.
MARTINS RSO, Araujo JAS, Brito SS, Santos HG. Recomendação de parâmetros para o COIN-OR Branch and Cut. XLVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional - SBPO . 2016.
Chagas T, Cunha THR, Matos MJS, dos Reis DD, Araujo KAS, Malachias A, Mazzoni MSC, Ferlauto AS, Magalhaes-Paniago R. Room temperature observation of the correlation between atomic and electronic structure of graphene on Cu(110). RSC Adv. [Internet]. 2016;6:98001-98009. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this work we have used atomically-resolved scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy to study the interplay between the atomic and electronic structure of graphene formed on copper via chemical vapor deposition. Scanning tunneling microscopy directly revealed the epitaxial match between a single layer of graphene and the underlying copper substrate in different crystallographic orientations. Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy we have directly measured the electronic density of states of graphene layers near the Fermi level, observing the appearance of a series of peaks in specific cases. These features were analyzed in terms of substrate-induced perturbations in the structural and electronic properties of graphene by means of atomistic models supported by density functional theory calculations.
de Vasconcelos CKB, Batista RJC, da Regis MGR, Manhabosco TM, de Oliveira AB. A simple model for solute-solvent separation through nanopores based on core-softened potentials. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2016;453:184-193.Abstract
We propose an effective model for solute separation from fluids through reverse osmosis based on core-softened potentials. Such potentials have been used to investigate anomalous fluids in several situations under a great variety of approaches. Due to their simplicity, computational simulations become faster and mathematical treatments are possible. Our model aims to mimic water desalination through nano-membranes through reverse osmosis, for which we have found reasonable qualitative results when confronted against all-atoms simulations found in the literature. The purpose of this work is not to replace any fully atomistic simulation at this stage, but instead to pave the first steps towards coarse-grained models for water desalination processes. This may help to approach problems in larger scales, in size and time, and perhaps make analytical theories more viable. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
de Vasconcelos CKB, Batista RJC, da Regis MGR, Manhabosco TM, de Oliveira AB. A simple model for solute-solvent separation through nanopores based on core-softened potentials. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2016;453:184-193.Abstract
We propose an effective model for solute separation from fluids through reverse osmosis based on core-softened potentials. Such potentials have been used to investigate anomalous fluids in several situations under a great variety of approaches. Due to their simplicity, computational simulations become faster and mathematical treatments are possible. Our model aims to mimic water desalination through nano-membranes through reverse osmosis, for which we have found reasonable qualitative results when confronted against all-atoms simulations found in the literature. The purpose of this work is not to replace any fully atomistic simulation at this stage, but instead to pave the first steps towards coarse-grained models for water desalination processes. This may help to approach problems in larger scales, in size and time, and perhaps make analytical theories more viable. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tissera P  B, Machado R  E  G, Sanchez-Blazquez P, Pedrosa S  E, Sánchez S  F, Snaith O, Vilchez J. The stellar metallicity gradients in galaxy discs in a cosmological scenario. \aap. 2016;592:A93.Abstract
Context. The stellar metallicity gradients of disc galaxies provide information on disc assembly, star formation processes, and chemical evolution. They also might store information on dynamical processes that could affect the distribution of chemical elements in the gas phase and the stellar components. Understanding their joint effects within a hierarchical clustering scenario is of paramount importance. Aims: We studied the stellar metallicity gradients of simulated discs in a cosmological simulation. We explored the dependence of the stellar metallicity gradients on stellar age and on the size and mass of the stellar discs. Methods: We used a catalogue of galaxies with disc components selected from a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation performed including a physically motivated supernova feedback and chemical evolution. Disc components were defined based on angular momentum and binding energy criteria. The metallicity profiles were estimated for stars with different ages. We confront our numerical findings with results from the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) Survey. Results: The simulated stellar discs are found to have metallicity profiles with slopes in global agreement with observations. Low stellar mass galaxies tend to have a larger variety of metallicity slopes. When normalized by the half-mass radius, the stellar metallicity gradients do not show any dependence and the dispersion increases significantly, regardless of the galaxy mass. Galaxies with stellar masses o f around 10$^10$M$_⊙$ show steeper negative metallicity gradients. The stellar metallicity gradients correlate with the half-mass radius. However, the correlation signal is not present when they are normalized by the half-mass radius. Stellar discs with positive age gradients are detected to have negative and positive metallicity gradients, depending on the relative importance of recent star formation activity in the central regions. Conclusions: Our results suggest that inside-out formation is the main process responsible for the metallicity and age profiles. The large dispersions in the metallicity gradients as a function of stellar mass could be ascribed to the effects of dynamical processes such as mergers, interactions and/or migration as well as those regulating the conversion of gas into stars. The fingerprints of the inside-out formation seem better preserved by the stellar metallicity gradients as a function of the half-mass radius.
Amaral MA, Wardil L, Perc M \checkz\else ż\fi, da Silva JKL. Stochastic win-stay-lose-shift strategy with dynamic aspirations in evolutionary social dilemmas. Phys. Rev. E [Internet]. 2016;94:032317. Publisher's Version
Almeida DEV, de Almeida JE. UMA ANÁLISE CRÍTICA DO INTERNET.ORG COMO PRÁTICA DE DIFUSÃO DE ACESSO À REDE MUNDIAL DE COMPUTADORES. Revista de Direito, Governança e Novas Tecnologias. 2016;2:148-166.
de Oliveira AB, Chacham H, Soares JS, Manhabosco TM, de Resende HFV, Batista RJC. Vibrational G peak splitting in laterally functionalized single wall carbon nanotubes: Theory and molecular dynamics simulations. CARBON. 2016;96:616-621.Abstract
We present a theoretical study of the vibrational spectrum, in the G band region, of laterally hydrogenated single wall carbon nanotubes through molecular dynamics simulations. We find that bilateral hydrogenation which can be induced by hydrogenation under lateral strain causes permanent oval deformations on the nanotubes and induces the splitting of vibrational states in the G-band region. We propose that such splitting can be used as a Raman fingerprint for detecting nanotubes that have been permanently modified due to bilateral hydrogenation. In particular, our results may help to clarify the recent findings of Araujo and collaborators [Nano Lett. 12, 4110 (2012)1 which have found permanent modifications in the Raman G peaks of locally compressed carbon nanotubes. We have also developed an analytical model for the proposed phenomenon that reproduces the splitting observed in the simulations. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
de Oliveira AB, Chacham H, Soares JS, Manhabosco TM, de Resende HFV, Batista RJC. Vibrational G peak splitting in laterally functionalized single wall carbon nanotubes: Theory and molecular dynamics simulations. CARBON. 2016;96:616-621.Abstract
We present a theoretical study of the vibrational spectrum, in the G band region, of laterally hydrogenated single wall carbon nanotubes through molecular dynamics simulations. We find that bilateral hydrogenation which can be induced by hydrogenation under lateral strain causes permanent oval deformations on the nanotubes and induces the splitting of vibrational states in the G-band region. We propose that such splitting can be used as a Raman fingerprint for detecting nanotubes that have been permanently modified due to bilateral hydrogenation. In particular, our results may help to clarify the recent findings of Araujo and collaborators [Nano Lett. 12, 4110 (2012)1 which have found permanent modifications in the Raman G peaks of locally compressed carbon nanotubes. We have also developed an analytical model for the proposed phenomenon that reproduces the splitting observed in the simulations. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nascimento R, da Martins JR, Batista RJC, Chacham H. Band Gaps of BN-Doped Graphene: Fluctuations, Trends, and Bounds. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C. 2015;119:5055-5061.Abstract
A Monte-Carlo-based simulated annealing process combined with ab initio calculations is employed to investigate electronic and structural properties of boron nitride (BN)-doped graphene, in a wide doping range. We find that, for a given BN doping concentration, the doping-induced band gap can vary over an order of magnitude depending on the placement of the B and N atoms. We propose an analytical tight-binding model that reproduces the dependence of the band gap on both the concentration and the morphology obtained in the ab initio calculations and provides an upper bound for the band gap at a given BN concentration. We also predict that the dependence of the band gap with applied tensile stress should be strong, nonmonotonic, and anisotropic, within the range of strain values attainable experimentally.
de Almeida JE. Contrato de Convivência e os Efeitos perante Terceiros. In: Direito de Família na Contemporaneidade. Vol. 1. Direito de Família na Contemporaneidade. Belo Horizonte: D Plácido; 2015.
Amaral MA, Wardil L, da Silva JKL.

Cooperation in two-dimensional mixed-games

. Journal of Physics A. 2015;48.Abstract
Evolutionary game theory is a common framework to study the evolution of cooperation, where it is usually assumed that the same game is played in all interactions. Here, we investigate a model where the game that is played by two individuals is uniformly drawn from a sample of two different games. Using the master equation approach we show that the random mixture of two games is equivalent to play the average game when (i) the strategies are statistically independent of the game distribution and (ii) the transition rates are linear functions of the payoffs. We also use Monte-Carlo simulations in a two-dimensional lattice and mean-field techniques to investigate the scenario when the two above conditions do not hold. We find that even outside of such conditions, several quantities characterizing the mixed-games are still the same as the ones obtained in the average game when the two games are not very different.
Oliveira CK, Gomes EFA, Prado MC, Alencar TV, Nascimento R, Malard LM, Batista RJC, de Oliveira AB, Chacham H, de Paula AM, et al. Crystal-oriented wrinkles with origami-type junctions in few-layer hexagonal boron nitride. NANO RESEARCH. 2015;8:1680-1688.Abstract
Understanding layer interplay is the key to utilizing layered heterostructures formed by the stacking of different two-dimensional materials for device applications. Boron nitride has been demonstrated to be an ideal substrate on which to build graphene devices with improved mobilities. Here we present studies on the morphology and optical response of annealed few-layer hexagonal boron nitride flakes deposited on a silicon substrate that reveal the formation of linear wrinkles along well-defined crystallographic directions. The wrinkles formed a network of primarily threefold and occasionally fourfold origami-type junctions throughout the sample, and all threefold junctions and wrinkles formed along the armchair crystallographic direction. Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulations yielded, through spontaneous symmetry breaking, wrinkle junction morphologies that are consistent with both the experimental results and the proposed origami-folding model. Our findings indicate that this morphology may be a general feature of several two-dimensional materials under proper stress-strain conditions, resulting in direct consequences in device strain engineering.
A new experimental procedure was used to analyse the corrosion behaviour of hot-dip Zn coated steel based on the association of the scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET) and uniaxial tensile strain applied up to 3.1% in 0.01 M NaCl solutions without release of the elastic strain during the test. The nucleation of localized corrosion sites on the coating occurs at very low strain values around the yield point and the maximum current densities increase continuously with the increase of the applied strain. The nucleation of localized corrosion on the Zn surface was favoured by the rupture of the passive film in contact with the solution by the action of slip steps and fine intergranular cracks, rather than by the exposure of the steel substrate. Straining of the Zn coating immersed in the solution was comparatively a much more aggressive condition than straining the sample in air before the corrosion tests. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Machado R  E  G, Lima Neto G  B. Dynamical modeling of the sloshing of the intracluster gas in Abell 2052. IAU General Assembly. 2015;22:2257674.Abstract
The current standard cosmological scenario predicts that rich clusters of galaxies are still accreting mass. This dynamical activity is reflected on the intracluster plasma surface brightness, which often shows substructures. A remarkable feature observed in cool-core clusters is the presence of a spiral arm (eg., Laganá et al. 2010). The origin of this arm is probably the sloshing of the cool central gas by the off-axis collision of a passing group or cluster (Ascasibar \amp Markevitch 2006).The rich cluster Abell 2052 was extensively studied in X-ray by Blanton et al. (2011). They show the presence of a spiral structure extending more than 250 kpc, which is comprised of cool gas. Using hydrodynamical N-body simulations of cluster collision, we have recovered the dynamical history of Abell 2052 and reproduced the broad morphology of the spiral feature, as compared with newly computed hardness ratio map and X-ray imaging.We obtain two regimes that reproduce the desired features: (I) a close encounter and a recent event (0.8 Gyr since pericentric passage), and (II) a scenario with a larger impact parameter and older event (almost 2.6 Gyr since pericentric passage). Interestingly, in the second case, we were able to identify an observed optical counterpart - based on the light distribution obtained from the SDSS - at the same redshift of the perturbing galaxy group, with M$_500$ = (1.16\plusmn0.43)x10$^13$ M$_sun$ at about 2 Mpc from the centre of the major cluster.
Soares-Quadros JF, Quiles OL. Educación informal y hábitos de consumo musical en Enseñanza Media en Brasil. In: Desarrollo, Educación, Diversidad y Cultura: Análisis interdisciplinar (Líneas de Investigación del Grupo HUM-742). Vol. 1. 1st ed. Desarrollo, Educación, Diversidad y Cultura: Análisis interdisciplinar (Líneas de Investigación del Grupo HUM-742). Coimbra (Portugal): Fernando Ramos Editor; 2015. pp. 123-137.
Dornas WC, Silva M, Tavares R, de Lima WG, Dos Santos RC, Pedrosa ML, Silva ME. Efficacy of the superoxide dismutase mimetic tempol in animal hypertension models: a meta-analysis. J Hypertens. 2015;33(1):14-23.Abstract
OBJECTIVE: Considering the growing body of evidence that indicates the contribution of superoxide anions (O2) and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) to the development of hypertension, we assessed whether animal models of hypertension have a benefic effect with tempol, a superoxide dismutase mimetic, to help augment the design of future studies. METHODS: Studies published between July 1998 and December 2012 on blood pressure (BP) in different hypertensive models were obtained after an electronic and manual search of PubMed. In-depth analyses of the methodological quality of the studies and the mean arterial pressure (MAP) changes after treatment with tempol were performed, as well as the subgroup analyses on the route of tempol delivery. RESULTS: Out of the 144 identified studies, 28 were included after screening. The data showed that tempol reduced MAP by computing the standardized mean difference with the value of 4.622 (95% confidence interval 3.24-5.99). The quality of studies included in the meta-analysis was category II; however, omission of details in the trials might have biased the results. There was substantial heterogeneity in the results with an I of 94.45%, which persisted after stratifying for the route of tempol delivery. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, this analysis shows that antioxidant treatment with tempol can reduce BP, suggesting that ROS plays a role in the pathogenesis of increased BP in the hypertension models used in the current research practice.
de Anderson L.A. de Araujo PMMD. Existence of solutions and optimal control for a model of tissue invasion by solid tumors. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications . 2015;421(2015):842-877.Abstract
In this paper we study the distributed optimal control problem for the two-dimensional mathematical model of cancer invasion. Existence of optimal state-control and stability is proved and an optimality system is derived.
Alencar AB, Barboza APM, Archanjo BS, Chacham H, Neves BRA. Experimental and theoretical investigations of monolayer and few-layer talc. 2D Materials [Internet]. 2015;2:015004. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We report experimental and theoretical investigations of a new nanomaterial: monolayer and few-layer talc. We show, through atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements, that natural talc mineral can be mechanically exfoliated down to monolayer flakes. Our AFM-based mechanical characterization also shows that single- and few-layer talc flakes, of several square-microns, present properties similar to those of graphene, BN and MoS 2 , including the existence of folds and the recently reported negative dynamic compressibility. From first principles calculations, we also predict the mechanical properties of monolayer talc. We obtain theoretical values of monolayer talc breaking strength that are near graphene’s record values and its 2D elastic modulus. We also predict that the flexural rigidity of monolayer talc should be more than thirty times larger than that of graphene, but that it could still be bent to very small curvatures without fracturing.
Fonseca GHG, Carrano EG, SANTOS HG. Improving Upper Bounds in High School Timetabling by Matheuristics, in Proceedings of the 7th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the 7th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications.; 2015:267–275.
Toffolo TAM, Santos HG, CARVALHO MARCOANTONIOOLIVEIRAMACHADO, Soares JA. An Integer Programming Approach to the Multimode Resource-Constrained Multiproject Scheduling Problem. Journal of Scheduling. 2015.
Mota VFS, Macedo DF, Ghamri-Doudanez Y, Nogueira JMS. A Message-Based Incentive Mechanism for Opportunistic Networking Applications, in IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). IEEE; 2015:1–8.
Mota VFS, Macedo DF, Ghamri-Doudanez Y, Nogueira JMS. MINEIRO: Um Mecanismo de Incentivo para Aplicações em Redes Oportunísticas, in XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Rede de Computadores, 2015. XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Rede de Computadores, 2015. CSBC; 2015:221–234.
Lobo PHF, Silva AC, ARASHIRO E, Pinheiro CF. Modelagem do processo de forrageamento de morcegos frugívoros por simulação computacional, in {VIII Encontro Brasileiro para o Estudo de Quirópteros}. {VIII Encontro Brasileiro para o Estudo de Quirópteros}.; 2015.
BACANI FELIPO, FREIRE IGORL, MAIDANA NORBERTOA, TORRISI MARIANO. Modelagem para a dinâmica populacional do Aedes aegypti via simetrias de Lie, in XXXV CNMAC Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional.Vol 3. XXXV CNMAC Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional.; 2015. [Link]Abstract
Neste trabalho são estudados modelos matemáticos que descrevem a dinâmica vital e espacial do mosquito Aedes aegypti , principal transmissor da dengue, e sua relação com a população humana. Os modelos analisados têm a dinâmica espacial (difusão e transporte) não-linear, isto é, dependentes da densidade de mosquitos, e a dinâmica vital malthusiana, isto é, sem competição inter-específica. O estudo analítico dos modelos foi feito através da técnica de simetrias de Lie, que permite obter informações sobre o sistema de equações diferenciais em questão, como soluções especiais e trocas de coordenadas que simplifiquem o problema. Esta técnica permitiu encontrar soluções do tipo onda viajante dos modelos estudados, além de soluções adicionais provenientes de simetrias não triviais do modelo.
Lobo PHF, ARASHIRO E, PINHEIRO CFS. Modeling foraging of frugivorous bats by computer simulation, in Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology - MPDE'15. Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology - MPDE'15.; 2015. Publisher's Version
Soares-Quadros JF. Música e escola: a influência do canto orfeônico na educação brasileira entre as décadas de 1930 e 1960. In: Educação Musical: reflexões, experiências e inovações. Vol. 1. 1st ed. Educação Musical: reflexões, experiências e inovações. Fortaleza: Edições UFC; 2015. pp. 79-98.
Prado MC, Nascimento R, Faria BEN, Matos MJS, Chacham H, Neves BRA. Nanometre-scale identification of grain boundaries in MoS 2 through molecular decoration. Nanotechnology [Internet]. 2015;26(47):475702. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In this paper, we address the challenge of identifying grain boundaries on the molybdenum disulphide (MoS 2 ) surface at the nanometre scale using a simple self-assembled monolayer (SAM) decoration method. Combined with atomic force microscopy, octadecylphosphonic acid monolayers readily reveal grain boundaries in MoS 2 at ambient conditions, without the need of atomic resolution measurements under vacuum. Additional ab initio calculations allow us to obtain the preferred orientation of the SAM structure relative to the MoS 2 beneath, and therefore, together with the experiments, the MoS 2 crystalline orientations at the grain boundaries. The proposed method enables the visualization of grain boundaries with sub-micrometer resolution for nanodevice investigation and failure analysis.
de Almeida JE, Almeida DEV. Os Direitos da Personalidade e o Testamento Digital. In: II Jornada de Divulgação Científica - Faculdade de Direito Mackenzie. II Jornada de Divulgação Científica - Faculdade de Direito Mackenzie. Belo Horizonte: Arraes; 2015.
Oliveira CK, Gomes EFA, Prado MC, Alencar TV, Nascimento R, Malard LM, Batista RJC, de Oliveira AB, Chacham H, de Paula AM, et al.

{Crystal-oriented wrinkles with origami-type junctions in few-layer hexagonal boron nitride}

. {NANO RESEARCH}. 2015;{8}:{1680-1688}.Abstract
{Understanding layer interplay is the key to utilizing layered heterostructures formed by the stacking of different two-dimensional materials for device applications. Boron nitride has been demonstrated to be an ideal substrate on which to build graphene devices with improved mobilities. Here we present studies on the morphology and optical response of annealed few-layer hexagonal boron nitride flakes deposited on a silicon substrate that reveal the formation of linear wrinkles along well-defined crystallographic directions. The wrinkles formed a network of primarily threefold and occasionally fourfold origami-type junctions throughout the sample, and all threefold junctions and wrinkles formed along the armchair crystallographic direction. Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulations yielded, through spontaneous symmetry breaking, wrinkle junction morphologies that are consistent with both the experimental results and the proposed origami-folding model. Our findings indicate that this morphology may be a general feature of several two-dimensional materials under proper stress-strain conditions, resulting in direct consequences in device strain engineering.}
Tonucci MC, Gurgel LVA, de Aquino SF.

Activated carbons from agricultural byproducts (pine tree and coconut shell), coal, and carbon nanotubes as adsorbents for removal of sulfamethoxazole from spiked aqueous solutions: Kinetic and thermodynamic studies

. Industrial Crops and Products. 2015;74:111-121.Abstract
In this study, four different adsorbent materials: commercial powdered activated carbon (PAC) from pine tree (PAC-I) and coconut shell (PAC-III) agricultural crop wastes, coal (PAC-II), and carbon nanotubes (CNT) were tested and compared for the removal of sulfamethoxazole (SMX) from spiked aqueous solutions. The kinetic, extrathermodynamic, and thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption of SMX on PACs and CNT were also determined. The results indicate that PAC-I was the best adsorbent for SMX adsorption. SMX adsorption was only favorable with PAC-I and CNT, leading to Gibbs free energies in the range of −39 to −44 kJ mol−1 and showing that the adsorption process was spontaneous in all temperature ranges (15–45 °C) tested. Langmuir model best described SMX adsorption on PAC-I and led to maximum adsorption capacity of ∼131 mg g−1 (at 25 °C), which was ∼4.6 times higher than that observed for CNT. The mechanism of SMX adsorption on PAC-I and CNT was suggested with basis on thermodynamic and extrathermodynamic parameters. The kinetic studies showed the pseudo-second-order model best described SMX adsorption, yielding k2 values of 0.0035 and 0.0016 g mg−1 min−1 for PAC-I and CNT, respectively.
Milanez FC.

Apontamentos sobre a responsabilidade civil objetiva por acidente de consumo e a proteção do consumidor contra os danos decorrentes de defeitos dos produtos.

Revista Jurídica Portucalense (Porto) [Internet]. 2015;1(17):28-57. Publisher's VersionAbstract
O presente estudo realiza uma análise dos aspectos gerais da responsabilidade civil, a partir da superação da culpa como filtro de aplicação do instituto e a modulação do mesmo pela arquitetura jurídica de proteção do consumidor, vítima de acidentes de consumos decorrentes de defeitos dos produtos. Para tanto, procedeu-se à uma análise da estrutura de proteção estabelecida pelos ordenamentos jurídicos Português e Brasileiro, partindo-se do tratamento constitucional dado ao tema, passando-se pelas normas infra constitucionais que regulam a incidência da responsabilidade objetiva, notadamente no que se refere aos elementos: lesante (fornecedor), lesado (consumidor), dano e indemnização.
Ferreira BCS, Teodoro FS, Mageste AB, Gil LF, de Freitas RP, Gurgel LVA.

Application of a new carboxylate-functionalized sugarcane bagasse for adsorptive removal of crystal violet from aqueous solution: Kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies

. Industrial Crops and Products. 2015;65:521-534.Abstract
A new carboxylate-functionalized sugarcane bagasse (SMA) was prepared via a solvent-free procedure involving esterification of sugarcane bagasse with Meldrum's acid. The optimized conditions provided SMA with a percent weight gain of 86.0% and 4.69 ± 0.20 mmol/g of carboxylic acid groups. SMA was characterized by FTIR, TGA, elemental analysis and SEM. Kinetic experiments showed that the amount of crystal violet adsorbed increased with increasing temperature and equilibrium was reached at 12 h. Adsorption kinetics followed a pseudo-second-order model. The Arrhenius and Eyring models were used to obtain the activation energy and changes in free energy, enthalpy, and entropy of activation for the adsorption process. The calculated activation energy (14.14 kJ/mol) suggested physical adsorption of CV onto SMA. The equilibrium data were well fitted to the Langmuir and Sips isotherms. Maximum adsorption capacity was 692.1 mg/g at 45 °C. Thermodynamic parameters such as changes in free energy, enthalpy and entropy were also determined.
Martins LR, Baêta BEL, Gurgel LVA, de Aquino SF, Gil LF.

Application of cellulose-immobilized riboflavin as a redox mediator for anaerobic degradation of a model azo dye Remazol Golden Yellow RNL

. Industrial Crops and Products. 2015;65:454-462.Abstract
This study described the anaerobic degradation of the azo dye Remazol Golden Yellow RNL (RGY-RNL) using cellulose-immobilized riboflavin (MC 3) as the redox mediator. This new solid support containing immobilized riboflavin was synthesized from succinylated mercerized cellulose, and was characterized by elemental analysis, FTIR, and solid-state 13C NMR. MC 3 was resistant to pH 2–9, and anaerobic degradation of RGY-RNL using MC 3 in the presence of anaerobic sludge yielded a zero order degradation rate constant (k0,obs) equal to 0.189 mg/L h, which was 56% better than experiments carried out without a redox mediator. Color removal efficiency after 48 h of degradation averaged 89.4% in experiments with MC 3 and 72% without the addition of a redox mediator. These results showed that MC 3 can be used to immobilize redox mediators, allowing reduction of wastewater treatment costs.
Milanez FC.

Considerações sobre o processo de questão prejudicial e a importância da receptividade das decisões do Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia para a defesa do consumidor europeu: o caso da resolução do contrato de crédito ao consumo em Portugal.

In: Direito Internacional I - XXIII Congresso do CONPEDI. Vol. CONPEDI/UFPB. Coordenadores: Fredys Orlando Sorto e Florisbal de Souza Del'Olmo. Direito Internacional I - XXIII Congresso do CONPEDI. Florianópolis; 2015. pp. 249/266. Publisher's Version
Wardil L, Hauert C.

Cooperation and co-authorship in academic publishing Physical Review

. Physical Review E. 2015;91.Abstract
Research collaboration occurs more frequently today than in the past. As a consequence, cooperation and competition are crucial determinants of academic success. In multiauthored publications, not all authors contribute evenly. Hence, some authors end up with less time or resources to work on parallel projects, decreasing their number of publications. Although detailed information on the contribution of each author in multiauthored publications is generally not available, the order of authors often discloses information on differential contributions. Here we analyze the full data set of Physical Review journals to show that, along with the increasingly number of multiauthored publications, first authors incur costs and last authors are bestowed benefits in terms of number of publications. In other words, authors publishing more often as first authors have fewer publications in the short-term than authors publishing more often as last authors. Using a simplified network representation where direct links represent the costly action of first authors towards last authors, we analyze the evolution of cooperation in multiauthored publications.
Milanez FC.

Da nulidade de cláusula contratual geral no contrato de prestação de serviço público de energia elétrica/gás: limitações à cessação do contrato.

Silva TH, de Melo POSV, Neto JBB, IJT A, de Ribeiro CSFS, Mota VFS, da Cunha FD, Ferreira APG, Almeida JM, Loureiro AAF. Pervasive Computing: Next Generation Platforms for Intelligent Data Collection. In: Morgan Kaufmann - Elsevier; 2015.
Cardoso DC. Phylogeography of the sand dune ant Mycetophylax simplex long the Brazilian Atlantic Forest coast: remarkably low mtDNA diversity and shallow population structure. BMC Evolutionary Biology [Internet]. 2015;15(106). Publisher's VersionAbstract
During past glacial periods, many species of forest-dwelling animals experienced range contractions. In contrast, species living outside such moist habitats appear to have reacted to Quaternary changes in different ways. The Atlantic Forest represents an excellent opportunity to test phylogeographic hypotheses, because it has a wide range of vegetation types, including unforested habitats covered predominantly by herbaceous and shrubby plants, which are strongly influenced by the harsh environment with strong wind and high insolation. Here, we investigated the distribution of genetic diversity in the endemic sand dune ant Mycetophylax simplex across its known range along the Brazilian coast, with the aim of contributing to the understanding of alternative phylogeographic patterns. We used partial sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I and nuclear gene wingless from 108 specimens and 51 specimens, respectively, to assess the phylogeography and demographic history of this species. To achieve this we performed different methods of phylogenetic and standard population genetic analyses. Results The observed genetic diversity distribution and historical demographic profile suggests that the history of M. simplex does not match the scenario suggested for other Atlantic Forest species. Instead, it underwent demographic changes and range expansions during glacial periods. Our results show that M. simplex presents a shallow phylogeographic structure with isolation by distance among the studied populations, living in an almost panmictic population. Our coalescence approach indicates that the species maintained a stable population size until roughly 75,000 years ago, when it underwent a gradual demographic expansion that were coincident with the low sea-level during the Quaternary. Such demographic events were likely triggered by the expansion of the shorelines during the lowering of the sea level. Conclusions Our data suggest that over evolutionary time M. simplex did not undergo dramatic range fragmentation, but rather it likely persisted in largely interconnected populations. Furthermore, we add an important framework about how both glacial and interglacial events could positively affect the distribution and diversification of species. The growing number of contrasting phylogeographic patterns within and among species and regions have shown that Quaternary events influenced the distribution of species in more ways than first supposed.
Soares-Quadros JF, da Costa FS. Pibid e a formação inicial de professores de música no Brasil: uma análise exploratória. Revista da ABEM [Internet]. 2015;23:35-48. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Este artigo tem como objetivo conhecer a atuação do Pibid nos cursos de licenciatura em música no Brasil com base nos quantitativos de bolsas de iniciação à docência(ID) e subprojetos aprovados, tomando como variáveis de estudo a região, a categoria da IES, a área de conhecimento dos cursos e a formação acadêmica do coordenador de área. Para isso, foram utilizados como fontes de dados o relatório de bolsas referente ao Edital Pibid nº 61/2013, os relatórios de pagamento dos anos2013 a 2015 e os currículos Lattes dos coordenadores presentes em tais relatórios.Os resultados apontaram 1) a predominância de bolsas ID para a região Nordeste e para IES federais; 2) música superou as outras linguagens artísticas e áreas de conhecimento que não estão contempladas como disciplina curricular obrigatória no quantitativo de subprojetos e bolsas ID; 3) a maior parte dos coordenadores dos subprojetos de música não possuem licenciatura na área. São necessários estudos específicos para verificar a influência desses resultados nos trabalhos desenvolvidos em cada realidade.
Silva M, Guerra JF, Sampaio AF, de Lima WG, Silva ME, Pedrosa ML.

Iron Dextran Increases Hepatic Oxidative Stress and Alters Expression of Genes Related to Lipid Metabolism Contributing to Hyperlipidaemia in Murine Model

. BioMed Research International . 2015;2015(2015):1-9.
Henrique MA, Neto WPF, Silvério HA, Martins DF, Gurgel LVA, da Barud HS, de Moraes LC, Pasquini D.

Kinetic study of the thermal decomposition of cellulose nanocrystals with different polymorphs, cellulose I and II, extracted from different sources and using different types of acids

. Industrial Crops and Products. 2015;76:128-140.Abstract
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNs) were extracted from different sources by acid hydrolysis using H2SO4 and HCl. The thermal decomposition of resulting CNs was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The kinetic parameters were determined using the Flynn–Wall–Ozawa (FWO) and Kissinger methods. CNs were also characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), elemental analysis (EA), Zeta Potential (ZP) and degree of polymerization (DP). The results of the XRD analysis showed different profiles, making it possible to differentiate cellulose I from cellulose II. The results obtained by the FWO method showed that cellulose II CNs had an increased activation energy (Ea) with conversion (α), while in CNs of cellulose I the Ea remained constant or decreased slightly. This difference between Ea values for the thermal decomposition of CNs was mainly attributed to different crystalline arrangements of cellulose I and cellulose II, and to the type of acid employed.
Soares JA, Santos HG, Baltar DD, Toffolo TAM.

LAHC applied to The Multi-Mode Resource -Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling Problem.

, in 7th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling : Theory and Applications (MISTA 2015). 7th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling : Theory and Applications (MISTA 2015). Prague.: Proceedings of 7th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling ; 2015:905-908.
do Ramos SNC, Xavier ALP, Teodoro FS, Elias MMC, Gonçalves FJ, Gil LF, de Freitas RP, Gurgel LVA.

Modeling mono-and multi-component adsorption of cobalt (II), copper (II), and nickel (II) metal ions from aqueous solution onto a new carboxylated sugarcane bagasse. Part I: Batch adsorption study

. Industrial Crops and Products. 2015;74:357-371.Abstract
A new carboxylated-functionalized sugarcane bagasse (STA) was prepared through the esterification of sugarcane bagasse with trimellitic anhydride. The optimized synthesis conditions yield STA with a percent weight gain of 73.9% and the number of carboxylic acid groups accounted for 3.78 mmol/g. STA was characterized by FTIR, elemental analysis, TGA, PZC, and SEM. Adsorption kinetics followed a pseudo-second-order model. The adsorption rate constant showed the following order: k2,Ni2+ > k2,Cu2+ > k2,Co2+. Four mono- and multi-component isotherm models were used to model the adsorption systems. Monocomponent experimental data were fitted to Langmuir and Sips models; whereas, multicomponent data were fitted to modified extended Langmuir and P-factor models. The maximum adsorption capacities (Qmax,mono) obtained from the Langmuir model were 1.140, 1.197, and 1.563 mmol/g for Co2+, Cu2+, and Ni2+, respectively. The competitive studies demonstrated that the multicomponent adsorption capacity (Qmax,multi) was smaller than Qmax,mono, as a result of the interaction between the metal ions. Desorption studies showed that all metal ions could be fully desorbed from STA.
de Silva TAO.

Otimização Determinística e Estocástica para o Problema de Sequenciamento e Alocação de Recursos em Cirurgias

. 2015.

Simulação de um Modelo Matemático para o Problema Dinâmico de Cobertura e Conectividade em Redes de Sensores sem Fio

. 2 LA-CCI (Latin American) and 12 CBIC (Brazilian) Congress on Computational Intelligence. 2015.

Ver no lattes:

. 2015.
Silva TH, de Melo POSV, Neto JBB, IJT A, de Ribeiro CSFS, Mota V{\'ıcius FS, da Cunha FD, Ferreira APG, da Machado KLS, de Mini RAF, et al. Redes de Sensoriamento Participativo: Desafios e Oportunidades. In: Minicursos /XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores. Vol. 33. Minicursos /XXXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores. SBRC; 2015. pp. 266–315.
de Almeida JE. Reflexões acerca do escore de crédito: uma análise da súmula 550 do STJ. Revista dos Tribunais Online. 2015.
de Almeida JE. RESPONSABILIDADE CIVIL DOS PROVEDORES DE SERVIÇOS DE INTERNET. Revista de Direito Privado. 2015;62:97-116.
Garbin TR, Dainese CA. REVISÃO SISTEMÁTICA E META-ANÁLISE: pesquisa em gestão pública. 1st ed. Ouro Preto - MG: ISBN:9788598601687; 2015 pp. 75.
