
de Almeida JE, Almeida DEV. OS DIREITOS DE PERSONALIDADE E O TESTAMENTO DIGITAL. Revista de Direito Privado. 2013;53:179-200.
da Silva AGM, Rodrigues TS, Gurgel LVA, de Assis PA, Gil LF, Robles-Dutenhefner PA.

A new use for modified sugarcane bagasse containing adsorbed Co2+ and Cr3+: Catalytic oxidation of terpenes

. Industrial Crops and Products. 2013;50:288-296.Abstract
This study describes the applicability of two chemically modified sugarcane bagasses containing either adsorbed Co2+ or Cr3+ ions as heterogeneous catalysts for the autooxidation of monoterpenes. The main objective was to investigate new uses for these adsorbent materials which had been previously employed for treatment of aqueous solutions or effluents containing metals such as Co2+ and Cr3+. The adsorption efficiency of Co2+ and Cr3+ on SCB2 and EB was evaluated by adsorption isotherms and other techniques such as XRD, ICP-AES and TGA. Catalytic activity of the four new catalysts, SCB2-Co, SCB2-Cr, EB-Co, and EB-Cr, were assessed in the oxidation reaction of β-citronellol(1), (+)-limonene(2), and (−)-β-pinene(3) in a free solvent system. Results obtained demonstrated that these materials were promising catalysts for the oxidation of monoterpenes. Reactant conversion ranged from 49 to 78% as determined by GC analysis and a combined selectivity up to 59% for the oxidation products was achieved.
Gusmão KAG, Gurgel LVA, Melo TMS, Gil LF.

Adsorption studies of methylene blue and gentian violet on sugarcane bagasse modified with EDTA dianhydride (EDTAD) in aqueous solutions: kinetic and equilibrium aspects

. Journal of Environmental Management. 2013;118:135-143.Abstract
In this study the adsorption of cationic dyes by modified sugarcane bagasse with EDTA dianhydride (EB) was examined using methylene blue (MB) and gentian violet (GV) as model compounds in aqueous single solutions. The synthesized adsorbent (EB) was characterized by FTIR, elemental analysis, and BET. The capacity of EB to adsorb dyes was evaluated at different contact times, pH values, and initial dye concentrations. According to the obtained results, the adsorption processes could be described by a pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The adsorption isotherms were well fitted by the Langmuir model. Maximum adsorption capacities for MB and GV on EB were found to be 202.43 and 327.83 mg/g, respectively. The free energy change during adsorption of MB and GV was found to be −22.50 and −24.21 kJ/mol, respectively, suggesting that chemisorption is the main mechanism controlling the adsorption process.


, in Encontro Nacional do GT de Teoria da Gramática da ANPOLL. Encontro Nacional do GT de Teoria da Gramática da ANPOLL. Universidade de São Paulo - USP; 2013. Publisher's Version

An Integer Programming Approach for the Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling Problem

. MISTA 2013 - 6th Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference: Theory & Applications. 2013:840-848.
Sinisterra RD, Speziali MG, Guimarães PPG, da Silva AM. Panorama de propriedade intelectual, transferência de tecnologia e inovação da química brasileira e a comparação com os países do BRIC. Química NovaQuímica Nova. 2013;36:1527-1532.
Sinisterra RD, Speziali MG, Guimaraes PPG, da Silva AM. Panorama of the Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer and Innovation for the Brazilian Chemistry and Comparison with the Bric Countries. Quimica NovaQuímica Nova. 2013;36:1527-1532.Abstract
Based on Science, Technology & Innovation (ST&I) indicators, Brazil is a competitive and interesting country from the point of view of technological foreign investment. However, it is still incipient with regard to national investments, production of technological knowledge, inbound mobility of scientists and technology transfer to the productive sector. Among many other factors, global patent production is considered as an important indicator of innovation. Likewise, the balance between revenue and expenses obtained through royalties and licensing fees of technologies is also critical in mapping the diffusion and absorption of knowledge. The understanding of intellectual property and its strategic management brings a significant advantage to the economic and technological development of nations, especially in the field of chemistry, which greatly contributes to biotechnology, new materials and microelectronics - three fundamental areas for innovation in developed countries. Therefore, this article aims to map out competencies in chemistry in Brazil and evaluate science, technology and innovation indicators in the country, comparing this dynamic to the one of other BRIC members (Russia, India and China). Chemistry is the fourth biggest field of interest in Brazil based on the number of researchers registered at the governmental platform for researchers, Plataforma Lattes/CNPq, and is preceded by education, medicine and agronomy. The majority of research groups are registered in the area of materials, followed by macromolecules and polymers, pharmaceutical products and basic materials chemistry. These groups represent approximately 77% of research groups analyzed, therefore, indicating a tendency in the country. The analyses of patents in different sub-areas of chemistry reveal that non-residents file most deposits in the country, a probable reflection of the low internal intellectual property culture. Pharmaceutics and Fine Chemistry are prominent areas in the country, in line with the global trend. Among BRIC countries, China has the highest number of patents and of requests for protection in international offices. On the other hand, Brazil has the lowest number of chemical patents published at USPTO, EPO and JPO. An analysis of the transfer of technology data indicates an increase in this activity in various sub-areas of chemistry in the country. Despite the great efforts made by the country to consolidate its national innovation system, more needs to be done to put Brazil in a competitive position. In a globalized world dominated by large players, Brazil needs a lot of progress on ownership and generation of chemistry technologies to strengthen its national sovereignty. It is essential to strengthen chemical research at all levels, from elementary school to university, as an inexhaustible source of knowledge and technology that, when properly protected, may generate real public achievement and social return.
Cocota JANJ, Moreira AD, Barbosa RC, Lage V.

Desenvolvimento de um Robô Antropomórfico com Punho Esférico para Práticas de Robótica com Alunos de Graduação

. SBAI [Internet]. 2013;1(1):1-6. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Hoje em dia, a evasão dos cursos de engenharia ocorre praticamente em todas as universidades do mundo. Ao longo dos últimos anos, a aprendizagem ativa tem sido reconhecida pela comunidade educacional como o método de aprendizagem mais eficaz. Neste artigo vamos discutir a experiência educacional associada à concepção e desenvolvimento de um robô manipulador de baixo custo com seis graus de liberdade para motivar os alunos de Engenharia de Controle e Automação, durante um semestre da disciplina de Elementos de Robótica. Além disso, são apresentadas as atividades efetuadas pelos alunos durante a execução do trabalho. O robô desenvolvido pode ser utilizado como uma plataforma para pesquisa e ensino de robótica.
Torre MP, Cocota JANJ.

Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Quatro Tanques Acoplados com Arquitetura Aberta.

, in XXI Seminário de Iniciação Científica (SEIC). XXI Seminário de Iniciação Científica (SEIC). Ouro Preto: UFOP; 2013.Abstract
Este projeto visa estimular a formação de engenheiros dos curso de engenharia de controle e automação e de engenharia mecânica da Escola de Minas, combatendo a evasão que ocorre principalmente nos primeiros anos dos cursos de engenharia e despertando o interesse vocacional dos alunos pela profissão de engenheiro e pela pesquisa cientifica e tecnológica, por meio do desenvolvimento de atividades práticas que explorem os ensinamentos básicos de engenharia com a aplicabilidade da teoria na solução de problemas reais. Neste trabalho são abordados a modelagem, a identificação de parâmetros e o controle de nível de um sistema de quatro tanques. Um modelo é obtido a partir da aplicação do princípio da conservação da massa, em conjunto com a equação de Bernoulli. O modelo não linear foi apreciado e validado por comparação com os resultados experimentais. O sistema apresenta comportamento de fase não-mínima, dependendo dos valores das parcelas do fluxo de água das bombas entre os tanques. Com a linearização desse modelo observa-se que o sistema apresenta um zero de transmissão que se move ao longo do eixo real, assumindo valores negativos ou positivos. Nesse sentido, o sistema de quatro tanques é ideal para ilustrar vários conceitos relacionados ao controle multivariável, em especial às limitações de desempenho relacionadas aos zeros no semi-plano direito. Um controle por uma estrutura descentralizada é proposto, e a sintonia individual das malhas é realizada. Para a configuração de fase não-mínima faz-se necessário um novo emparelhamento de variáveis, de acordo com o resultado obtido pela análise de interação das variáveis, sob o custo de instabilidade da planta em malha fechada a não modificação do emparelhamento. Por fim, são comparados os resultados experimentais e de simulações do controle proposto.
Iwasaki LPP, Cocota JANJ.

Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Quatro Tanques Acoplados com Arquitetura Aberta

, in XXI Seminário de Iniciação Científica (SEIC). XXI Seminário de Iniciação Científica (SEIC). Ouro Preto: UFOP; 2013.Abstract
Com o foco em auxiliar os discentes no aprendizado teórico, a motivação vocacional pela profissão e pela pesquisa, o projeto consiste no desenvolvimento de uma bancada didática com sistema multivariável, abordando a modelagem matemática do sistema, a identificação de parâmetros e o controle do nível dos tanques. A modelagem foi obtida a partir dos conceitos de mecânica do fluídos, utilizando o principio de conservação de massa e da equação de Bernoulli. Assim, através da planta com quatro tanques acoplados, o comportamento dos zeros de fase mínima e de fase não-mínima de um sistema MIMO(multiple input-multiple output)foi observado e ilustrado. O sistema também permite explorar o controle de sistemas SISO(single input-single output)com acoplamento ou não dos tanques, dependendo da configuração a ser montada pelo discente. O sistema é formado por quatro tanques e um reservatório, toda a água utilizada no processo é armazenada no reservatório. Ainda, duas bombas distribuem a vazão de água para os tanques e quatro sensores fazem a leitura dos níveis dos tanques por meio da amostragem da pressão da coluna de água. Através de um CLP(Controlador Lógico Programável) os sinais de saída do sistema são obtidos e com o auxilio de um módulo de potência as bombas são acionadas. Dessa planta foram obtidos os parâmetros do sistema, como, os ganhos das bombas, a parcela de fluxo de água da bomba para os tanques e a perda de carga nos drenos. Logo, foi possível obter um modelo do sistema que representasse o comportamento do sistema real.Assim, foi possível projetar o controlador PI(Proporcional-Integral) por métodos empíricos e analíticos. Os resultados experimentais foram comparados com as simulações dos modelos linear e não-linear do sistema. Dessa forma, os resultados alcançaram as expectativas do projeto, e possibilitaram explorar conceitos utilizados para o controle desse processo, que possibilitou explorar a teoria associada à prática com os discentes envolvidos no projeto.
Cocota JANJ, Abrao DC, Lopes AG, Medeiros MRO.

Development of tangible experiments for motivating undergraduate students

. EDUCON. 2013:497-506 .Abstract
Nowadays, dropping out of engineering courses practically occurs in all universities of the world. Over the past few years, active learning has been recognized by the educational community as the most effective learning method, that involves direct, purposeful learning experiences, such as hands-on or field experiences. In this paper we will discuss the educational experience associated with the design and development of projects to motivate the students of Control and Automation Engineering and Electrical Engineering during a semester of Industrial Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing Systems courses. The key learning objectives and tools used to implement them and the evaluation results will be detailed. Our focus was to introduce how those multidisciplinary works could help the students increase their motivation and improve their professional skills such as problem solving, team work and leadership. Evaluation results show that those projects were effective in engaging the students and as well as an effective active learning tool.
Agnolon A.

Filênis, de belle de jour à alcoviteira: matéria erótica na Antologia Grega

. Classica - Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos [Internet]. 2013;26(1):51-66. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Na Antologia Grega ou Palatina, há um pequeno ciclo de epigramas dedicados à Filênis, que teria sido, no século IV a.C., tratadista de manual erótico. A alusão ou menção a seu nome circunscreve geralmente a ambiência erótico-amorosa do epigrama. No presente artigo, meu objetivo será: a) traduzir em verso alguns epigramas gregos em que Filênis é sujeito da fala epigramática ou é tão-somente referida – levando em consideração a atmosfera erótica dos epigramas, já indiciada pelo próprio nome da personagem –; e b) discutir, mediante análise dos epigramas traduzidos, a sagacidade de Filênis nos jogos do amor, consubstanciada quer pela alcovitaria, comumente associada a seu nome, quer pela escrita tratadística que se lhe atribui, constituinte de uma erotodídaxis.

Modelos e Métodos de Resolução para Problemas de Escalonamento de Projetos

. XLV Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional (SBPO). 2013.

No altar da arte: sobre alguns anseios na obra de Mário de Sá-Carneiro

. Revista Desassossego. 2013;9:3-15.Abstract
O texto que a seguir se apresenta aborda a obra de Mário de Sá-Carneiro tendo como ponto de partida a constatação de que se encontram, nela, traços evidentes de uma certa tradição da poesia moderna, em suas vertentes de oposição ao mundo que se consolida a partir do século dezenove e de proposição de novos mundos e novos mitos. Procura-se aproximar a obra em questão de algumas ideias expostas por Fernando Pessoa, com o intuito de demonstrar a afinidade entre os dois autores e o seu pertencimento à mencionada tradição, sem perder de vista, contudo, as particularidades da poética de Sá-Carneiro, as principais tensões que fazem com que ela se coloque em movimento e construa os seus sentidos.
Soares-Quadros JF, Quiles OL. Preferência musical e classe social: um estudo com estudantes de ensino médio de Vitória, Espírito Santo. Revista da ABEM. Revista da ABEM [Internet]. 2013;31:11-26. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Este estudo objetivou conhecer as preferências musicais de estudantes de ensino médio em Vitória, Espírito Santo, bem como verificar a influência da classe social sobre a escolha musical desses estudantes, utilizando para isso a região geográfica em que se localizavam as escolas pesquisadas. Contemplando uma amostra de 966 alunos (56,8% mulheres e 43,2% homens), com idades entre 14 e 46 anos (média de 16,42 anos), distribuídos nas três séries que compõem o ensino médio (35,6%alunos do 1º ano, 32,5% alunos do 2º ano e 31,9% alunos do 3º ano), esta pesquisa adotou uma versão adaptada ao contexto local do Questionário sobre preferência de estilos musicais (Lorenzo; Herrera; Cremades, 2008). Os resultados mostraram que 1) ouvintes provenientes de regiões com maior poder aquisitivo são mais ecléticos; 2) a religião pode ser um fator de influência sobre a escolha musical; 3) estilos vinculados aos meios de comunicação massivos possuem maior representatividade nas preferências dos participantes.
Carozo V, Almeida CM, Fragneaud B, Bede PM, Moutinho MVO, Ribeiro-Soares J, Andrade NF, Souza Filho AG, Matos MJS, Wang B, et al.

Resonance effects on the Raman spectra of graphene superlattices

. Physical Review B. 2013;88(8).Abstract
In this work, a study of resonance effects in the Raman spectra of twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) is presented. The analysis takes into account the effect of the mismatch angle θ between the two layers, and also of the excitation laser energy on the frequency, linewidth, and intensity of the main Raman features, namely the rotationally induced R band, the G band, and the second-order G′ (or 2D) band. The resonance effects are explained based on the θ dependence of the tBLG electronic structure, as calculated by ab initio methodologies. The twist angle θ also defines the observation of a “D-like” band which obeys the double-resonance process, but relies on the superlattice along with long-range defects in order to fulfill momentum conservation. The study was possible due to the development of a route to produce and identify rotationally stacked bilayer graphene by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM).
Assenço R, de Brito CLM, Lanna MC, de Lima WG, Vieira-Filho SA.

Anti Rotavirus (RV, SA-11) property of polar substances isolated from M. gonoclada (Celastraceae)

. European Journal of Scientific Research. 2013;114(1):256-268.
Diniz MF, Dourado VA, Silva ME, Pedrosa ML, Bezerra FS, de Lima WG.

Cigarette Smoke Causes Changes in Liver and Spleen of Mice Newborn Exposed During Pregnancy

. Journal of Cytology and Histology. 2013;4:1-5.
Wardil L, da Silva JKL.

The evolution of cooperation in mixed games Chaos, Solitons and Fractals

. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2013;56.Abstract
Cooperation has been studied in the context of game evolutionary theory by assuming that individuals play always the same game. Here we consider a mixture of two games G1 and G2. In each interaction of two individuals, they can play the games G1 or G2 with probabilities w and 1 - w, respectively. We define the evolutionary model and study the cooperation evolution in a well-mixed population and in a cycle. We show that in the well-mixed population the evolution is equivalent to the evolution given by the average game. In a cycle, we show that the intensity of selection plays an important role in the promotion or inhibition of cooperation, depending on the games that are mixed.
Krone-Martins A, Ducourant C, Teixeira R, Galluccio L, Gavras P, dos Anjos S, de Souza R  E, Machado R  E  G, Le Campion J-F. Pushing the limits of the Gaia space mission by analyzing galaxy morphology. \aap. 2013;556:A102.Abstract
Context. The ESA Gaia mission, to be launched during 2013, will observe billions of objects, among which many galaxies, during its 5 yr scanning of the sky. This will provide a large space-based dataset with unprecedented spatial resolution. Aims: Because of its natural Galactic and astrometric priority, Gaia's observational strategy was optimized for point sources. Nonetheless, it is expected that \~10⁶ sources will be extragalactic, and a large portion of them will be angularly small galaxies. Although the mission was designed for point sources, an analysis of the raw data will allow the recovery of morphology of those objects at a \~0.2'' level. This may constitute a unique all-sky survey of such galaxies. We describe the conceptual design of the method adopted for the morphological analysis of these objects as well as first results obtained from data simulations of low-resolution highly binned data. Methods: First, the raw Gaia 1D observations are used to reconstruct a 2D image of the object - this image is known to contain artifacts and reconstruction signatures. Then, parameters characteristic of the reconstructed image are measured, and used for a purely morphological classification. Finally, based on the classification, a light profile is selected (pure-disk, disk+bulge, pure bulge, point source+disk, etc.) and fitted to all Gaia 1D observations simultaneously in a global process using forward modeling. Results: Using simulations of Gaia observations from official Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium tools, we were able to obtain the preliminary classification of the simulated objects at the \~83% level for two classes (ellipticals, spirals/irregulars) or at the \~79%, \~56%, and \~74% levels for three classes (E, S, and I). The morphological parameters of simulated object light profiles are recovered with errors at the following levels: -9 \plusmn 36% for the bulge radius, 11 \plusmn 53% for the bulge intensity, 1 \plusmn 4% for the disk radius, and -1 \plusmn 7% for the disk intensity. From these results, we conclude that it is possible to push the limits of the Gaia space mission by analysing galaxy morphology.
de Almeida JE, Soares AO. Responsabilidade Civil da Sociedade Empresária e o Direito do Trabalhador. In: Direito Privado: revisitações. Direito Privado: revisitações. Belo Horizonte: Arraes; 2013.
Machado R  E  G, Lima Neto G  B. Simulations of galaxy cluster mergers: the dynamics of Abell 3376. Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina Book Series. 2013;4:148.Abstract
In large scale structure formation, massive systems assemble through the hierarchical merging of less massive ones. Galaxy clusters, being the most massive and thus the most recent collapsed structures, still grow by accreting smaller clusters and groups. In order to investigate the dynamical evolution of the intracluster medium, we perform a set of adiabatic hydrodynamical simulations of binary cluster mergers.
Machado R  E  G, Lima Neto G  B. Simulations of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 3376. \mnras. 2013;430:3249-3260.Abstract
Observed galaxy clusters often exhibit X-ray morphologies suggestive of recent interaction with an infalling subcluster. A3376 is a nearby (z = 0.046) massive galaxy cluster whose bullet-shaped X-ray emission indicates that it may have undergone a recent collision. It displays a pair of Mpc-scale radio relics and its brightest cluster galaxy is located 970 h$^- 1$$_70$ kpc away from the peak of X-ray emission, where the second brightest galaxy lies. We attempt to recover the dynamical history of A3376. We perform a set of N-body adiabatic hydrodynamical simulations using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code GADGET-2. These simulations of binary cluster collisions are aimed at exploring the parameter space of possible initial configurations. By attempting to match X-ray morphology, temperature, virial mass and X-ray luminosity, we set approximate constraints on some merger parameters. Our best models suggest a collision of clusters with mass ratio in the range 1/6-1/8, and having a subcluster with central gas density four times higher than that of the major cluster. Models with small impact parameter (b $łt$ 150 kpc), if any, are preferred. We estimate that A3376 is observed approximately 0.5 Gyr after core passage, and that the collision axis is inclined by i \ap 40\deg with respect to the plane of the sky. The infalling subcluster drives a supersonic shock wave that propagates at almost 2600 km s$^-1$, implying a Mach number as high as mathcal $\$M$\$\tilde 4; but we show how it would have been underestimated as mathcal $\$M$\$\tilde 3 due to projection effects.

Solidão e singularidade em Fernando Pessoa

. Revista do Centro de Estudos Portugueses. 2013;33:187-203.Abstract
O objetivo do texto é desenvolver algumas reflexões sobre a obra de Fernando Pessoa a partir das ideias de solidão e singularidade, apresentadas por Alfonso Berardinelli em “Quatro tipos de obscuridade”. Pretende-se descrever e analisar algumas das tensões presentes na obra do escritor português, focalizando, em especial, as relações entre três de suas facetas, quais sejam, Bernardo Soares, Álvaro de Campos e Alberto Caeiro. Merecerão destaque ideias como a da hipertrofia da consciência, em contraste com a percepção de que só são felizes os homens comuns, de modo a se evidenciarem as oscilações do poeta, que nem pode deixar de colocar em dúvida o valor da sua diferença, nem se resigna a negá-la por completo.
Araújo AEA, Tonidandel DAV. Steinmetz and the Concept of Phasor: A Forgotten Story. Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems [Internet]. 2013:1-8. Publisher's Version
ARASHIRO E, Santana JS, Silva Jr IO, PINHEIRO CFS, CASTRO E SILVA A. Stochastic simulation of people moving in confined spaces, in XXXIII Dynamics Days Europe - Book of Abstracts XXXIII Dynamics Days Europe Madrid 2013. XXXIII Dynamics Days Europe - Book of Abstracts XXXIII Dynamics Days Europe Madrid 2013. General Foundation of the Technical University of Madrid; 2013.
Campos KKD, Manso RG, Gonçalves EG, Silva ME, de Lima WG, Menezes CAS, Bezerra FS. Temporal analysis of oxidative effects on the pulmonary inflammatory response in mice exposed to cigarette smoke. Cell Immunol. 2013;284(1-2):29-36.Abstract
The most common factor related to the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) development is the chronic smoking habit. Our study describes the temporal kinesis of pulmonary cellular influx through BALF analyses of mice acutely exposed to cigarette smoke (CS), the oxidative damage and antioxidative enzyme activities. Thirty-six mice (C57BL/6, 8weeks old, male) were divided in 6 groups: the control group (CG), exposed to ambient air, and the other 30 mice were exposed to CS. Mice exposed to CS presented, especially after the third day of exposure, different cellular subpopulations in BALF. The oxidative damage was significantly higher in CS exposed groups compared to CG. Our data showed that the evaluated inflammatory cells, observed after three days of CS exposure, indicate that this time point could be relevant to studies focusing on these cellular subpopulation activities and confirm the oxidative stress even in a short term CS exposure.
de Ávila DL, de Araújo GR, Silva M, de Miranda PHA, Diniz MF, Pedrosa ML, Silva ME, de Lima WG, Costa DC. Vildagliptin ameliorates oxidative stress and pancreatic beta cell destruction in type 1 diabetic rats. Arch Med Res. 2013;44(3):194-202.Abstract
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It is believed that oxidative stress plays a role in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. Several strategies have been developed with the objective of minimizing diabetic complications. Among these, inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV), which act by blocking degradation of incretin hormones, glucagon-like peptide hormone (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), have been the focus of many studies. It is known that, among the effects of incretins, we highlight its insulinotropic and cytoprotective effects on pancreatic β-cells. The objective of this study was to evaluate the possible protective effects of treatment with vildagliptin, a DPP-IV inhibitor, in β-cells in an experimental model of type 1 diabetes induced by streptozotocin (STZ). METHODS: Rats were treated for 4 weeks with vildagliptin at concentrations of 5 and 10 mg/kg. In order to observe the pancreatic damage and the possible protective effects of vildagliptin treatment, we measured stress markers TBARS and protein carbonyl, antioxidant enzymes SOD and catalase, and analyzed pancreatic histology. RESULTS: The treatment was effective in modulating stress in pancreatic tissue, both by reducing levels of stress markers as well as by increasing activity of SOD and catalase. After analyzing the pancreatic histology, we found that vildagliptin was also able to preserve islets and pancreatic β-cells, especially at the concentration of 5 mg/kg. CONCLUSION: Thus, our results suggest that vildagliptin ameliorates oxidative stress and pancreatic beta cell destruction in type 1 diabetic rats. However, to evaluate the real potential of this medication in type 1 diabetes, further studies are needed.
de Oliveira BF, Costa DC, Nogueira-Machado JA, Chaves MM. β-Carotene, α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid: differential profile of antioxidant, inflammatory status and regulation of gene expression in human mononuclear cells of diabetic donors. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2013;29(8):636-45.Abstract
BACKGROUND: Diabetic patients are exposed to increased oxidative stress due to several mechanisms, mainly hyperglycaemia. Pathological processes, such as those in type 1 diabetes, include diminished activity of the antioxidant defense system(s) or excessive oxidative generation resulting in an oxidative/antioxidant imbalance and development of oxidative stress. METHODS: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (chemiluminescence) and reduction capacity (MTT dye reduction), the expression of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase subunits, superoxide dismutase and catalase using quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, and the levels of cytokines [interleukin (IL)-6, tumour necrosis factor-α, IL-8, IL-10 and IL-4] by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in mononuclear cells from non-diabetic and diabetic donors treated with a vitamin complex (ascorbic acid, β-carotene and α-tocopherol) in two different concentrations ([A] = ascorbic acid = 0.08 µM, α-tocopherol = 0.04 µM, β-carotene = 0.0008 µM and [20A] = ascorbic acid = 1.6 µM, α-tocopherol = 0.82 µM, β-carotene = 0.016 µM). RESULTS: Concentration [A] was antioxidant reducing ROS production, expression of NADPH oxidase subunits and pro-inflammatory cytokines while raising the expression of antioxidant enzymes and reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines in both groups. Concentration [20A] was pro-oxidant by raising ROS production, NADPH oxidase subunits and pro-inflammatory cytokines and reducing antioxidant enzymes and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the non-diabetic group but antioxidant in cells of type 1 diabetic patients by raising antioxidant enzymes and anti-inflammatory cytokines and reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines. CONCLUSION: The vitamin complex has a dual effect, pro-oxidant and antioxidant, being also dose dependent with different profiles of cells of non-diabetic and type 1 diabetic patients.
Rossoni-Júnior JV, Araújo GR, da Pádua BC, Chaves MM, Pedrosa ML, Silva ME, Costa DC. Annato extract and β-carotene modulate the production of reactive oxygen species/nitric oxide in neutrophils from diabetic rats. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2012;50(3):177-83.Abstract
Annatto has been identified as carotenoids that have antioxidative effects. It is well known that one of the key elements in the development of diabetic complications is oxidative stress. The immune system is especially vulnerable to oxidative damage because many immune cells, such as neutrophils, produce reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species as part of the body's defense mechanisms to destroy invading pathogens. Reactive oxygen species/reactive nitrogen species are excessively produced by active peripheral neutrophils, and may damage essential cellular components, which in turn can cause vascular complications in diabetes. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the possible protective effects of annatto on the reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide (NO) inhibition in neutrophils from alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Adult female rats were divided into six groups based on receiving either a standard diet with or without supplementation of annatto extract or beta carotene. All animals were sacrificed 30 days after treatment and the neutrophils were isolated using two gradients of different densities. The reactive oxygen species and NO were quantified by a chemiluminescence and spectrophotometric assays, respectively. Our results show that neutrophils from diabetic animals produce significantly more reactive oxygen species and NO than their respective controls and that supplementation with beta carotene and annatto is able to modulate the production of these species. Annatto extract may have therapeutic potential for modulation of the balance reactive oxygen species/NO induced by diabetes.
Rossoni Júnior JV, Araújo GR, Pádua BDC, de Magalhães CLB, Chaves MM, Pedrosa ML, Silva ME, Costa DC. Annatto extract and β-carotene enhances antioxidant status and regulate gene expression in neutrophils of diabetic rats. Free Radic Res. 2012;46(3):329-38.Abstract
Annatto (Bixa orellana L.) contains a mixture of orange-yellowish pigments due to the presence of various carotenoids that have antioxidant effect. The immune system is especially vulnerable to oxidative damage because many immune cells, such as neutrophils, produce reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS) as part of the body's defence mechanisms to destroy invading pathogens. It is well known that the function of neutrophils is altered in diabetes; one of the major functional changes in neutrophils in diabetes is the increased generation of extracellular superoxide via the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase system. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the production of ROS and nitric oxide (NO) as well as the expression of NADPH oxidase subunits, inducible nitric oxide (iNOS), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) in neutrophils from diabetic rats treated with annatto extract and β-carotene. Forty-eight female Fisher rats were distributed into six groups according to the treatment received. All animals were sacrificed 7 days after treatment, and the neutrophils were isolated using two gradients of different densities. The ROS and NO were quantified by a chemiluminescence and spectrophotometric assays, respectively. Analyses of gene expression were performed using quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The results show that treatment with annatto extract and β-carotene was able to decrease ROS production and the mRNA levels of p22(phox) and p47(phox) and increase the mRNA levels of SOD and CAT in neutrophils from diabetic rats. These data suggest that annatto extract and β-carotene exerts antioxidant effect via inhibition of expression of the NADPH oxidase subunits and increase expression/activity of antioxidant enzymes.
AS CLÁUSULAS ABUSIVAS EM CONTRATOS BANCÁRIOS: para uma análise crítica da súmula 381 do STJ. Âmbito Jurídico. 2012;104:11913.
Soares-Quadros JF, Brito MP. Avaliação de performances por ouvintes: um estudo com estudantes de licenciatura em música da FAMES. Per Musi [Internet]. 2012;(26):110-120. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Este estudo investigou a relação entre a variação de expressividade e a preferência de performances na opinião de ouvintes, tomando como objeto de estudo os estudantes do curso de licenciatura em música da FAMES. Partindo da premissa que correlaciona positivamente uma performance expressiva ao nível de apreciação do ouvinte, este trabalho submeteu os estudantes a três performances distintas de uma mesma obra. Dessa maneira, cada performance considerada previamente por juízes independentes como de alta, média e baixa expressividade, recebeu um nível de preferência atribuído por cada aluno e a premissa foi avaliada. Os estudantes também foram solicitados a indicar quais aspectos musicais eles consideram preponderantes na construção de uma performance musical expressiva. Os resultados apontam para uma relação direta entre o nível de expressividade e a preferência de performance. Quanto aos aspectos musicais relacionados à expressividade, confirmam-se as associações feitas pelos ouvintes entre a expressividade na performance musical e as variações de dinâmica, intensidade, tempo, agógica, articulação, altura e timbre.
Batista RJC, de Oliveira AB, Pereira NR, Paolini RS, Manhabosco TM. Boron nitride nanotubes as templates for half-metal nanowires. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 2012;24.Abstract
We investigate by means of a GGA + U implementation of density functional theory the electronic and structural properties of magnetic nanotubes composed of an iron oxide monolayer and (n, 0) boron nitride (BN) nanotubes, with n ranging from 6 to 14. The formation energy per FeO molecule of FeO covered tubes is smaller than the formation energy of small FeO nanoparticles, which suggests that the FeO molecules may cover the BN nanotubes rather than aggregating locally. Both GGA (PBE) and Van der Waals functionals predict an optimal FeO-BN interlayer distance of 2.94 angstrom. Depending on the diameter of the tube, novel electronic properties for the FeO covered BN nanotubes were found. They can be semiconductors, intrinsic half-metals or semi-half-metals that can become half-metals if charged with either electrons or holes. Such results are important in the spintronics context.
Batista RJC, de Oliveira AB, Pereira NR, Paolini RS, Manhabosco TM. Boron nitride nanotubes as templates for half-metal nanowires. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 2012;24.Abstract
We investigate by means of a GGA + U implementation of density functional theory the electronic and structural properties of magnetic nanotubes composed of an iron oxide monolayer and (n, 0) boron nitride (BN) nanotubes, with n ranging from 6 to 14. The formation energy per FeO molecule of FeO covered tubes is smaller than the formation energy of small FeO nanoparticles, which suggests that the FeO molecules may cover the BN nanotubes rather than aggregating locally. Both GGA (PBE) and Van der Waals functionals predict an optimal FeO-BN interlayer distance of 2.94 angstrom. Depending on the diameter of the tube, novel electronic properties for the FeO covered BN nanotubes were found. They can be semiconductors, intrinsic half-metals or semi-half-metals that can become half-metals if charged with either electrons or holes. Such results are important in the spintronics context.
Santos FM, Lima WG, Gravel AS, Martins TAF, Talvani A, Torres RM, Bahia MT. Cardiomyopathy prognosis after benznidazole treatment in chronic canine Chagas' disease. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012;67(8):1987-95.Abstract
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of benznidazole on Chagas' disease cardiac prognosis using an experimental dog model of infection. METHODS: A total of 28 dogs were divided into three groups: 10 were infected with Trypanosoma cruzi and treated benznidazole during the chronic phase, 10 were infected but untreated, and 8 were non-infected/healthy. The trypanocidal efficacy was measured by parasite kDNA detection in blood and cardiac tissue samples. The effects of benznidazole in ameliorating the cardiac systolic function were evaluated by echodopplercardiogram. RESULTS: The benznidazole initially induced a potent suppression of parasitaemia in treated animals. However, 12 months post-treatment, the parasite kDNA detections were similar between infected groups. In the baseline echocardiographic parameters there was no variation among all animals. Similarly, 1 month post-treatment there was no significant difference among healthy and infected animals with regard to systolic function. At 12 months post-treatment, an increase in cardiac chamber size related to cardiomegaly was detected among treated and untreated animals, but not in the healthy controls. Interestingly, in spite of both groups of infected animals developing a decrease in their systolic cardiac function, this decline was slightly less in the treated animals. We also evaluated levels of tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-10 in peripheral blood mononuclear cell culture supernatant. Cytokine profiles were similar between infected animal groups and correlated with alterations in cardiac function. CONCLUSIONS: The temporary suppression of the T. cruzi infection induced by benznidazole treatment was efficient in reducing systolic cardiac function alterations, but not in preventing the development of cardiomyopathy.
Santos T, Takahashi RHC, Moreira GJP. A CMA stochastic differential equation approach for many-objective optimization, in Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2012 IEEE Congress on. Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2012 IEEE Congress on. IEEE; 2012:1–6.
Hermsdorff LL, PINHEIRO CFS, Bernardes AT. Computational simulation of binary compounds of carbon nanotubes and amphiphilics in aqueous solution by Monte Carlo method. Computational Materials Science [Internet]. 2012;59:121 - 127. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Carbon nanotubes have been subject of intensive research because of their outstanding physical properties. The problem of dissolving the aggregation of tubes in bundles formed by strong van der Waals force is addressed in this study. A complete understanding about carbon nanotubes properties is necessary in order to obtain a process of detachment that cause no damage to the tubes. Detachment can be promoted by means of amphiphilic adsorption in water solution. We have studied this phenomenon by means Monte Carlo simulation. The algorithm used was Metropolis algorithm. The analysis of equilibrium was done by means of structure function.
Tonidandel DAV, Araújo AEA. Conectando transformadas: Fourier e Laplace, in CBA2012 - XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática. CBA2012 - XIX Congresso Brasileiro de Automática. Campina Grande, PB; 2012. Publisher's Version
Barboza APM, Carara SS, Batista RJC, Chacham H, Neves BRA. Controlling the Electrical Behavior of Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes via Tube Contact. SMALL. 2012;8:220-224.
Speziali MG, Guimaraes PPG, Sinisterra RD. Desmystifying Patent Protection in Universities. Quimica NovaQuímica Nova. 2012;35:1700-1705.Abstract
DESMYSTIFYING PATENT PROTECTION IN UNIVERSITIES. Brazilian universities and research institutions still fail to protect the knowledge and technology produced by their community of students, staff and professors while Intellectual Property (IP) issues along with the role of patents and their strategic management in educational and research institutions remain taboo or misunderstood. The focus of this work was to demystify these subjects, including IP, patents and their requirements, the decision to patent as well as tips for successful patenting. Any student, professor or researcher of an educational or research institution can invent and protect their technology. This paper shows how to make such a patent application.
Barboza APM, Chacham H, Oliveira CK, Fernandes TFD, Ferreira EMH, Archanjo BS, Batista RJC, de Oliveira AB, Neves BRA. Dynamic Negative Compressibility of Few-Layer Graphene, h-BN, and MoS2. NANO LETTERS. 2012;12:2313-2317.Abstract
We report a novel mechanical response of few-layer graphene, h-BN, and MoS2 to the simultaneous compression and shear by an atomic force microscope (AFM) tip. The response is characterized by the vertical expansion of these two-dimensional (2D) layered materials upon compression. Such effect is proportional to the applied load, leading to vertical strain values (opposite to the applied force) of up to 150%. The effect is null in the absence of shear, increases with tip velocity, and is anisotropic. It also has similar magnitudes in these solid lubricant materials (few-layer graphene, h-BN, and MoS2), but it is absent in single-layer graphene and in few-layer mica and Bi2Se3. We propose a physical mechanism for the effect where the combined compressive and shear stresses from the tip induce dynamical wrinkling on the upper material layers, leading to the observed flake thickening. The new effect (and, therefore, the proposed wrinkling) is reversible in the three materials where it is observed.
de Almeida JE. A EVOLUÇÃO HISTÓRICA DO CONCEITO DE CONTRATO: em busca de um modelo democrático de contrato. Âmbito Jurídico. 2012;99:11306.
Speziali MG. From Aromas and Perfumes, the Market of the "Smell" Industry. Quimica NovaQuímica Nova. 2012;35:861-864.Abstract
FROM AROMAS AND PERFUMES, THE MARKET OF THE "SMELL" INDUSTRY. Several flavors and fragrances (F&F) companies hold the economic leadership in the market, although not always have also the leadership in patent applications. The ranking of technological production in the fragrance area still remains with industries while scientific knowledge is equally shared between industries and academia. Contextualizing Brazil in this scene, despite all scientific expertise gained over the years, brazilian technological park is still at the beginning of the production of technologies applied directly to the F&F industries. The dependence on foreign technologies is remarkable as indicated by the great trade deficit in this sector.
Garbin TR, Dainese CA, dos Ramos RCS. GESTÃO DA EAD: A EVASÃO E A PERMANÊNCIA DOSALUNOS EM CURSOS A DISTANCIA. ESUD 2012 – IX Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino Superior a Distância. 2012;01:01-12.Abstract
The school supply is not a problem restricted only to some schools, but it is an issue addressed in the discussions and reflections in the field of educational research on the Brazilian scene. The theme is also studied when it comes to courses offered in distance mode, therefore, given the particular characteristics of these courses may be considered as factors of remaining or not the student. Many studies addressing the school supply treat it from two different approaches: from the external and internal factors at the school. Among the external factors are identified the needs of the student work, time allocated to academic activities, the basic conditions for learning as basic requirements, problems associated with personal or family. Among the internal factors emphasize the non-recovery of the universe by the school culture, curriculum, teaching materials, teacher-student relationship, student-student, student tutor, and other evaluative procedures. This study aims to investigate the factors that are related to the presence or evasion of students in undergraduate degree in Education offered in distance mode. We selected a pole support and verify the data from two classes of Education in 2007 and 2009, being the class of 2007 had the lowest dropout rate, only one student entering their fifties, a fact not occurred to the class of 2009. Considering the data, we found that the internal factors related to the course, as a methodology and interaction, can be considered as determining factors for the permanence of the students.  Keywords: School Management, School Supply, Evasion on EaD; Distance Education Resumo – A  evasão  escolar  não  é  um  problema  restrito  apenas  às  unidades  escolares, mas  é  uma  questão  tratada  nas  discussões  e  reflexões  no  campo  das  pesquisas educacionais do cenário brasileiro. O tema também é estudado quando se trata de cursos oferecidos  na  modalidade  à  distância,  pois,  dada  às  características  particulares  destes cursos, podem ser consideradas como fatores de permanência ou não do aluno. Muitos estudos que abordam a evasão escolar tratam-na a partir de duas abordagens diferentes: a partir dos fatores externos e de fatores internos à instituição escolar. Dentre os fatores externos são  apontadas  as  necessidades  de  o  aluno  trabalhar,  o  tempo  destinado  às atividades  acadêmicas,  às  condições  básicas  para  a  aprendizagem  como  requisitos básicos  anteriores,  problemas  de  ordem  pessoal  ou  familiar.  Dentre  os  fatores  internos ressalta-se  a  não  valorização  pela  escola  do  universo  cultural,  currículo,  material didático,  relação  professor-aluno;  aluno-aluno,  aluno-tutor,  procedimentos  avaliativos entre outros.  Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar os fatores que estão relacionados à permanência  ou  à  evasão  de  alunos  em  um  Curso  de  Pedagogia  oferecido  na modalidade  à  distância.  Foi  selecionado  um polo de  apoio  presencial  e  verificamos  os dados de duas turmas de Pedagogia egressos em 2007 e em 2009, sendo que a turma de 2007 apresentou o menor índice de evasão, apenas um aluno dos cinquenta ingressantes, fato  não  ocorrido  para  a  turma  de  2009.  Considerando  os  dados,  verificamos  que  os fatores  internos  relacionados  ao  curso,  como  metodologia  e  interação,  podem  ser considerados fatores determinantes para a permanência dos alunos. Palavras-chave: Gestão  Escolar; Evasão Escola; Evasão na EaD; Educação a Distância.
Garbin TR. GESTÃO DA EAD: o polo de apoio presencial. 1st ed. Ouro Preto - MG: UFOP; 2012 pp. 68.Abstract
O Polo de Apoio Presencial é uma estrutura integrada ao modelo de Educação a Distancia(EAD), e deve ser mais que um espaço, um local estrutural. O polo deve oferecer todo suporte para que a formação acadêmica ocorra com qualidade adequada as necessidades técnicas, científicas, políticas e sociais. Quebrar o isolamento físico através de uma nova rede de relações com o mundo exterior, onde o pensamento, os sentimentos e as informações possam ser percebidos e processado, é um desafio que precisa ser alcançado na EaD. O aluno precisa ser entendido, precisa atuar na situação para produzir uma relação interativa, precisa criar e produzir utilizando seu lado racional e emocional. Os ambientes educativos devem proporcionar ao indivíduo a possibilidade interação e construção. As condições de infraestrutura, incluindo rede, equipamentos, apoio para atividades presenciais oferecidas pelo Polo/Prefeitura, o local de residência do aluno, a interação estabelecida entre os atores do processo e, principalmente, a relação entre Polo e Universidade são fatores relevantes para a construção do conhecimento. O Polo de Apoio Presencial é um espaço que deve privilegiar as ações promovendo situações educacionais e culturais, permitindo que o vínculo entre aluno/polo/universidade seja estabelecido. Tendo como objetivo central estudar a unidade Polo de Apoio Presencial, foi reunido materiais que podem oferecer informações sobre as orientações legais da EaD e dos polos, informações sobre a UAB relacionadas diretamente a dimensões administrativas e pedagógicas e informações sobre o cenário nacional da EaD em particular dos polos de apoio presencial. Na Unidade 1, o tema central é o Polo de Apoio Presencial, os aspectos da legislação, o histórico da implantação no Brasil considerando as indicações e determinações da UAB/CAPES. A Unidade 2 traz a gestão de polos como temática, informações sobre o sistema de gestão com ênfase no funcionamento. Na Unidade 3, como exemplo, são apresentadas informações sobre a gestão da EAD na UFOP, considerando aspectos administrativos e pedagógicos e suas relações com os polos de apoio presencial. Espero que com este material os leitores possam identificar dificuldades, necessidades e perspectivas para novos projetos e desafios da EAD, lembrando sempre que a educação deve ser oferecida com qualidade para todos
Mota V{\'ıcius FS, Macedo DF, Nogueira JMS. An hierarchical routing protocol for opportunistic emergency networks, in Proceedings of the 7th Latin American Networking Conference. Proceedings of the 7th Latin American Networking Conference. ACM; 2012:36–43.
de Souza MO, Souza e Silva L, de Brito Magalhães CL, de Figueiredo BB, Costa DC, Silva ME, Pedrosa ML. The hypocholesterolemic activity of açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) is mediated by the enhanced expression of the ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G transporters 5 and 8 and low-density lipoprotein receptor genes in the rat. Nutr Res. 2012;32(12):976-84.Abstract
Previous studies have demonstrated that the ingestion of açaí pulp can improve serum lipid profile in various animal models; therefore, we hypothesized that açaí pulp (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) may modulate the expression of the genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis in the liver and increase fecal excretion, thus reducing serum cholesterol. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the expression of 7α-hydroxylase and ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G transporters (ABCG5 and ABCG8), which are genes involved with the secretion of cholesterol in the rat. We also evaluated the expression of sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase, low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R), and apolipoprotein B100, which are involved in cholesterol biosynthesis. Female Fischer rats were divided into 4 groups: the C group, which was fed a standard AIN-93 M diet; the CA group, which was fed a standard diet supplemented with 2% açaí pulp; the H group, which was fed a hypercholesterolemic diet (25% soy oil and 1% cholesterol); and the HA group, which was fed a hypercholesterolemic diet supplemented with 2% açaí pulp. At the end of the experimental period, the rats were euthanized, and their blood and livers were collected. The HA group exhibited a significant decrease in serum total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and atherogenic index and also had increased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and cholesterol excretion in feces compared with the H group. In addition, the expression of the LDL-R, ABCG5, and ABCG8 genes was significantly increased by the presence of açaí pulp. These results suggest that açaí pulp promotes a hypocholesterolemic effect in a rat model of dietary-induced hypercholesterolemia through an increase in the expression of ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G transporters, and LDL-R genes.
Araujo PT, Barbosa Neto NM, Chacham H, Carara SS, Soares JS, Souza AD, Cancado LG, de Oliveira AB, Batista RJC, Joselevich E, et al. In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy Tip-Induced Deformations and Raman Spectroscopy Characterization of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. NANO LETTERS. 2012;12:4110-4116.Abstract
In this work, an atomic force microscope (AFM) is combined with a confocal Raman spectroscopy setup to follow in situ the evolution of the G-band feature of isolated single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) under transverse deformation. The SWNTs are pressed by a gold AFM tip against the substrate where they are sitting. From eight deformed SWNTs, five exhibit an overall decrease in the Raman signal intensity, while three exhibit vibrational changes related to the circumferential symmetry breaking. Our results reveal chirality dependent effects, which are averaged out in SWNT bundle measurements, including a previously elusive mode symmetry breaking that is here explored using molecular dynamics calculations.
Cocota JANJ, Fujita HS, Silva IJ.

A low-cost robot manipulator for education

. TAEE 2012. 2012:1-6.Abstract
Over the past few years, the teaching of industrial robotics associated with hands on practice has become an indispensable methodology for the subject. However, a majority of the robots applicable for the undergraduate or graduate levels are very expensive or have a closed hardware and software architecture. This restricts content exploration by the students in order to understand the matters related to robotics. In this article, an educational experience related to robotic education is described. It involves the design and development of an robot manipulator with four degrees of freedom. In addition, the activities in which the students participated during the execution of this work are presented. The robot developed could be an ideal platform for the research and teaching of robotics.
Soares-Quadros JF, Quiles OL. Música na Escola: uma revisão das legislações educacionais brasileiras entre os anos 1854 e 1961. Música Hodie [Internet]. 2012;12:175-190. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Este artigo tem como objetivo verificar qual o espaço ocupado pela música na educação formal brasileira no período que antecedeu o surgimento das Leis de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB), tendo como base a análise das legislações educacionais oficiais publicadas entre os anos 1854 e 1961. Por meio de pesquisa documental foi possível observar omissões e equívocos nas produções científicas que tratam da educação musical brasileira durante esse período. Destaca-se a obrigatoriedade do ensino do canto orfeônico para todos os níveis da educação escolar, a partir de 1934, e a análise do Decreto nº 51.215/61, que, naquela época, regulamentava a educação musical nas escolas.
Tripodi ZF. O Estado Contratual e a Nova Agenda da Educação: o caso de Minas Gerais. Revista @mbiente Educação. 2012;1(5):23-50.Abstract
O presente trabalho examina o percurso da avaliação da rede pública estadual de Minas Gerais, no período de 1991 a 2010, as medidas adotadas pela reforma educacional mineira, sobretudo aquelas que dizem respeito ao Programa “Choque de Gestão”, primeira e segunda gerações. Iniciando com os aspectos centrais da proposta de reestruturação da gestão pública, discute- -se, em seguida, a implementação do modelo de “Estado Contratual” e a sua interação com o sistema de avaliação implantado, em Minas, desde o início dos anos de 1990, para, finalmente, apresentar possíveis contradições que o modelo tem apresentado na área educacional. 
Santos TF. Operador para distribuição de soluções para algoritmos evolutivos via adaptação da matriz de covariância. 2012.
Silva T, Celes CSFS, Mota V, Loureiro A. Overview of ubicomp research based on scientific publications, in IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Ub{\'ıqua e Pervasiva (SBCUP). IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Ub{\'ıqua e Pervasiva (SBCUP). CSBC; 2012:1–10.
Oliveira CK, Matos MJS, Mazzoni MSC, Chacham H, Neves BRA.

Anomalous response of supported few-layer hexagonal boron nitride to DC electric fields: a confined water effect?

. Nanotechnology. 2012;23(17).Abstract
We use electric force microscopy (EFM) to study the response of supported few-layer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) to an electric field applied by the EFM tip. Our results show an anomalous behavior in the dielectric response of h-BN atop Si oxide for different bias polarities: for a positive bias applied to the tip, h-BN layers respond with a larger dielectric constant than the dielectric constant of the substrate, while for a negative bias, the h-BN dielectric constant appears to be smaller. Based on ab initio calculations, we propose that this behavior is due to a water layer confined between the Si oxide substrate and h-BN layers. This hypothesis was experimentally confirmed by sample annealing and also by a comparative analysis with h-BN on a non-polar substrate.
Gusmão KAG, Gurgel LVA, Melo TMS, Gil LF.

Application of succinylated sugarcane bagasse as adsorbent to remove methylene blue and gentian violet from aqueous solutions–Kinetic and equilibrium studies

. Dyes and Pigments. 2012;92(3):967-974.Abstract
In a previous work, succinylated sugarcane bagasse (SCB 2) was prepared from sugarcane bagasse (B) using succinic anhydride as modifying agent. In this work the adsorption of cationic dyes onto SCB 2 from aqueous solutions was investigated. Methylene blue, MB, and gentian violet, GV, were selected as adsorbates. The capacity of SCB 2 to adsorb MB and GV from aqueous single dye solutions was evaluated at different contact times, pH, and initial adsorbent concentration. According to the obtained results, the adsorption processes could be described by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Adsorption isotherms were well fitted by Langmuir model. Maximum adsorption capacities for MB and GV onto SCB 2 were found to be 478.5 and 1273.2 mg/g, respectively.
Attitude Control of a Satellite by Using Digital Signal Processing
Santana A, Martins L, Arantes G, Duarte R, Casella I.

Attitude Control of a Satellite by Using Digital Signal Processing

. Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management [Internet]. 2012;4:15-24. Publisher's Version
Gurgel LVA, Marabezi K, Ramos LA, da Curvelo AAS.

Characterization of depolymerized residues from extremely low acid hydrolysis (ELA) of sugarcane bagasse cellulose: Effects of degree of polymerization, crystallinity and crystallite size on thermal decomposition

. Industrial Crops and Products. 2012;36(1):560-571.Abstract
Sugarcane bagasse cellulose was subjected to the extremely low acid (ELA) hydrolysis in 0.07% H2SO4 at 190, 210 and 225 °C for various times. The cellulose residues from this process were characterized by TGA, XRD, GPC, FTIR and SEM. A kinetic study of thermal decomposition of the residues was also carried out, using the ASTM and Kissinger methods. The thermal studies revealed that residues of cellulose hydrolyzed at 190, 210 and 225 °C for 80, 40 and 8 min have initial decomposition temperature and activation energy for the main decomposition step similar to those of Avicel PH-101. XRD studies confirmed this finding by showing that these cellulose residues are similar to Avicel in crystallinity index and crystallite size in relation to the 110 and 200 planes. FTIR spectra revealed no significant changes in the cellulose chemical structure and analysis of SEM micrographs demonstrated that the particle size of the cellulose residues hydrolyzed at 190 and 210 °C were similar to that of Avicel.
Mendes-de-Sa TG, Goncalves AMB, Matos MJS, Coelho PM, Magalhaes-Paniago R, Lacerda RG.

Correlation between (in)commensurate domains of multilayer epitaxial graphene grown on SiC(000(1)over-bar) and single layer electronic behavior

. Nanotechnology. 2012;23(47).Abstract
A systematic study of the evolution of the electronic behavior and atomic structure of multilayer epitaxial graphene (MEG) as a function of growth time was performed. MEG was obtained by sublimation of a 4H-SiC($0 0 0\bar {1}$) substrate in an argon atmosphere. Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction were carried out in samples grown for different times. For 30 min of growth the sample Raman signal is similar to that of graphite, while for 60 min the spectrum becomes equivalent to that of exfoliated graphene. Conventional x-ray diffraction reveals that all the samples have two different (0001) lattice spacings. Grazing incidence x-ray diffraction shows that thin films are composed of rotated (commensurate) structures formed by adjacent graphene layers. Thick films are almost completely disordered. This result can be directly correlated to the single layer electronic behavior of the films as observed by Raman spectroscopy. Finally, to understand the change in lattice spacings as a result of layer rotation, we have carried out first principles calculations (using density functional theory) of the observed commensurate structures.


. ReVEL - Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem [Internet]. 2012;10(19):21-38. Publisher's Version
Cocota JANJ, Souza R, Santos GF, Kitahara RA.

Desenvolvimento de uma Célula Automatizada para o Ensino de Sistemas Integrados de Manufatura

. X Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica. 2012:1-5.
Cocota JANJ, Souza R, Santos GF, Kitahara RA.

Development of an automated cell for the teaching of integrated manufacturing systems

. TAEE 2012. 2012:170-174 .Abstract
This article reports the educational experience related to integrated manufacturing systems education associated with a manufacturing cell projection and development. The content of the manufacturing systems subject of the UNIP's electrical engineering course is extent and includes, e.g., CAD, CAE, CAM and CIM systems, fixed robotics, automation networks, mathematical modeling and motors control and driving. As methodology for the subject, it was chosen the theoretical teaching of its content besides the development of a tangible experiment, which was to develop a manufacturing cell with decentralized control, that emulates the thermal treatment process of a piece which is handled by a serial manipulator with two degrees of freedom and two-finger gripper.
Gurgel LVA, Marabezi K, Zanbom MD, da Curvelo AAS.

Dilute acid hydrolysis of sugar cane bagasse at high temperatures: A kinetic study of cellulose saccharification and glucose decomposition. Part I: Sulfuric acid as the catalyst

. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012;51(3):1173-1185.Abstract
The kinetics of sugar cane bagasse cellulose saccharification and the decomposition of glucose under extremely low acid (ELA) conditions, (0.07%), 0.14%, and 0.28% H2SO4, and at high temperatures were investigated using batch reactors. The first-order rate constants were obtained by weight loss, remaining glucose, and fitting glucose concentration profiles determined with HPLC using the Saeman model. The maximum glucose yields reached 67.6% (200 °C, 0.07% H2SO4, 30 min), 69.8% (210 °C, 0.14% H2SO4, 10 min), and 67.3% (210 °C, 0.28% H2SO4, 6 min). ELA conditions produced remarkable glucose yields when applied to bagasse cellulose. The first-order rate constants were used to calculate activation energies and extrathermodynamic parameters to elucidate the reaction mechanism under ELA conditions. The effect of acid concentration on cellulose hydrolysis and glucose decomposition was also investigated. The observed activation energies and reaction orders with respect to hydronium ion for cellulose hydrolysis and glucose decomposition were 184.9 and 124.5 kJ/mol and 1.27 and 0.75, respectively.
Alves RG, Procacci A, Sanchis R. Percolation on Infinite Graphs and Isoperimetric Inequalities. Journal of Statistical Physics [Internet]. 2012;149:831-845. Publisher's Version
Silva TH, de Celes CSFS, Mota VFS, Loureiro AAF. A Picture of Present Ubicomp Research Exploring Publications from Important Events in the Field. Journal of Applied Computing Research. 2012;2:32-49.

Late Anxiety-Like Behavior and Neuroinflammation in Mice Subjected to Sublethal Polymicrobial Sepsis

. Neurotoxicity Research. 2012.Abstract
Sepsis can lead to long-term cognitive changes, including memory and learning deficits, which are known as septic encephalopathy (SE). SE also includes behavioral changes. The underlying mechanism of SE is unknown, and several mechanisms have been proposed. This study investigated late anxiety-like behavior, serum cytokine levels and brain cytokine production in C57BL/6 mice subjected to polymicrobial sepsis induced by sublethal cecum ligature and puncture (CLP). Anxiety-like behavior and locomotor activity were assessed in mice 10 days after sham operation or CLP procedure using the elevated plus maze, contextual fear conditioning, and open field test. Brain and serum concentrations of the cytokines TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-10 were determined by ELISA. We found that mice subjected to polymicrobial sepsis presented anxiety-like behavior, which was accompanied by increased serum TNF-α and brain TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-1β, and IL-6 levels, 10 days after the surgical procedure. These findings suggest an involvement of central nervous system inflammatory mediators in the anxiety-like symptoms found in SE.
Wardil L.

Mecanismos cooperativos: adotando estratégias diferentes contra oponentes distintos no dilema do prisioneiro.

Departamento de Física. 2012;(Tese de Doutorado).
do Figueiredo MA, Filho REF, Varajão AFDC.

Qualidade do solo como geoindicador para o manejo de uma trilha no Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó, MG

. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências (UFRJ. Impresso). 2012;35(1):199-208.Abstract
As trilhas em áreas naturais são reconhecidas como meio de deslocamento entre o visitante e os atrativos turísticos. Assim, em áreas protegidas, ao mesmo tempo que proporciona ao visitante contato direto com a natureza, a visitação resulta em alterações ambientais como, dentre outros, a compactação do solo e erosão no leito das trilhas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de caracterizar a qualidade do solo na Trilha da Farofa, localizada no Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó, município de Santana do Riacho, MG, Brasil. A trilha, que liga a sede do parque ao atrativo natural Cachoeira da Farofa, situada em escarpa rochosa quartzítica de grande beleza cênica, é a mais visitada e utilizada para alcançar o referido atrativo natural, além de servir para prática de caminhadas, ciclismo, cavalgada e do tráfego de veículos autorizados. Essa trilha apresenta impactos ambientais erosivos marcantes e compactação dos solos, este último, pouco visível a observações leigas. Para a caracterização dos impactos, efetuou-se o levantamento de perfis de solo no leito da trilha e no seu entorno, bem como medidas de resistência à penetração (penetrometria), com uso de penetrômetro de cone com anel dinamométrico e coleta de amostras de solo deformadas e indeformadas dos horizontes superficiais para estudos pedológicos. Os resultados demonstram que os solos do leito das trilhas são compactados em relação aos solos adjacentes e que estas precisam ser manejadas visando a conservação da biogeodiversidade associada, e a sua viabilidade enquanto meio de acesso à Cachoeira da Farofa e à escarpa rochosa quartzítica ali presente, o que evidencia a importância da utilização de atributos pedológicos para o manejo de trilhas, estimulando sua conservação através de práticas ambientalmente sustentáveis.
Caldas IS, Guedes PM, Santos FM, Martins T, Nascimento A, de Lima WG, Nascimento R, Torres RM, Talvani A, Bahia MT.

Myocardial scars correlate with eletrocardiographic changes in chronic infection for dogs treated with Benznidazole.

Tropical Medicine and International Health. 2012;1:1-12.
de Pauli M, Prado MC, Matos MJS, Fontes GN, Perez CA, Mazzoni MSC, Neves BRA, Malachias A.

Thermal Stability and Ordering Study of Long- and Short-Alkyl Chain Phosphonic Acid Multilayers

. Langmuir. 2012;28(43):15124-15133.Abstract
Long-range order evolution of self-assembled phosphonic acid multilayers as a function of temperature is studied here for two molecules with different alkyl chain length. By using synchrotron conventional diffraction, distinct order configurations are retrieved on phosphonic acid multilayers and their thermodynamic behavior monitored by energy-dispersive diffraction. This later technique allows us to observe the system behavior near order–disorder temperatures, as well as to determine the most stable configurations in the range from room temperature up to 120 °C. Planar order is also addressed by wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) transmission experiments. Order parameter phase diagrams are built based on the experimental results, showing the dominant configuration at each temperature. The multilayer molecular long-range order retrieved from the experiments is corroborated by first principles calculations based on the Density Functional Theory. The bulk configurations depicted in this work are produced by molecule–molecule interactions and allow for future comparisons with the behavior of ordered molecules in few-monolayers configurations, commonly used in organic devices, where the presence of surfaces and interfaces strongly affects the molecule packing.
PINHEIRO CFS, de Mello EVL. Random resistivity network calculations for cuprate superconductors with an electronic phase separation transition. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2012;391:1532–1539.
Caldas S, Caldas IS, de Diniz LF, de Lima WG, de Oliveira RP, Cecílio AB, Ribeiro I, Talvani A, Bahia MT. Real-time PCR strategy for parasite quantification in blood and tissue samples of experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Acta Trop. 2012;123(3):170-7.Abstract
The lack of an accurate diagnosis has been a serious obstacle to the advancement of the anti-Trypanosoma cruzi chemotherapy and long-term infection can result in different health risks to human. PCRs are alternative methods, more sensitive than conventional parasitological techniques, which due to their low sensitivities are considered unsuitable for these purposes. The aim of this study was to investigate a sensitive diagnostic strategy to quantify blood and cardiac tissues parasites based on real-time PCR tools during acute and chronic phases of murine Chagas disease, as well as to monitor the evolution of infection in those mice under specific treatment. In parallel, fresh blood examination, immunological analysis and quantification of cardiac inflammation were also performed to confront and improve real-time PCR data. Similar profiles of parasitemia curves were observed in both quantification techniques during the acute phase of the infection. In contrast, parasites could be quantified only by real-time PCR at 60 and 120 days of infection. In cardiac tissue, real-time PCR detected T. cruzi DNA in 100% of infected mice, and using this tool a significant Pearson correlation between parasite load in peripheral blood and in cardiac tissue during acute and chronic phases was observed. Levels of serum CCL2, CCL5 and nitric oxide were coincident with parasite load but focal and diffuse mononuclear infiltrates was observed, even with significant (p<0.05) reduction of parasitism after 60 days of infection. Later, this methodology was used to monitor the evolution of infection in animals treated with itraconazole (Itz). Itz-treatment induced a reduction of parasite load in both blood and cardiac muscle at the treatment period, but after the end of chemotherapy an increase of parasitism was detected. Interestingly, inflammatory mediators levels and heart inflammation intensity had similar evolution to the parasite load, in the group of animals treated. Taken together, our data show that real-time PCR strategy used was suitable for studies of murine T. cruzi infection and may prove useful in investigations involving experimental chemotherapy of the disease and the benefits of treatment in relation to parasitism and inflammatory response.
Fonseca GHG, SANTOS HG, TOFFOLO TAM, Brito SS, Souza MJF. A SA-ILS approach for the High School Timetabling Problem, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling.Vol 9. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling. Son, Norway: SINTEF; 2012:4.Abstract
This work presents a heuristic approach proposed by one of the finalists of the Third International Timetabling Competition (ITC2011). The KHE school timetabling engine is used to generate an initial solution and then Simulated Annealing (SA) and Iterated Local Search (ILS) perform local search around this solution.
Dornas WC, de Lima WG, Dos Santos RC, de Souza MO, Silva M, Diniz MF, Silva ME. Salt overload in fructose-fed insulin-resistant rats decreases paraoxonase-1 activity. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2012;9(1):63.Abstract
Paraoxonase 1 (PON1) is a HDL-associated esterase/lactonase and its activity is inversely related to the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of a high-salt diet on serum PON1 activity in fructose-fed insulin-resistant rats. Adult male Fischer rats were initially divided into two groups. Control (CON), which received a normal salt diet and drinking water throughout the study; high fructose (HF), which received a normal salt diet and 20% fructose supplemented drinking water. After 10 weeks, half of the animals from HF group were randomly switched to a high-salt diet and 20% fructose supplemented drinking water (HFS) for more 10 weeks. Serum PON1 activity was determined by synthetic substrate phenyl acetate. HFS rats showed markedly decreased PON1 activity (HFS rats, 44.3 ± 14.4 g/dL versus CON rats, 64.4 ± 13.3 g/dL, P < 0.05) as compared to controls. In parallel, the level of oxidative stress, as indicated by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), was increased in HFS rats by 1.2-fold in the liver in relation to controls and was negatively correlated with PON activity. Differential leukocyte counts in blood showed a significant change in lymphocytes and monocytes profile. In conclusion, these results show that PON1 activity is decreased in fructose-fed insulin-resistant rats on a high-salt diet, which may be associated with increased oxidative stress, leading to inflammation.
Brito SS, Fonseca GHG, TOFFOLO TAM, SANTOS HG, Souza MJF. A SA-VNS approach for the High School Timetabling Problem. In: Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Vol. 39. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. ; 2012. pp. 169 - 176.Abstract
The High School Timetabling Problem consists in assigning timeslots and resources to events, satisfying constraints which heavily depend on the specific institution. This work deals with the problem of the ongoing III International Timetabling Competition (ITC), which includes a diverse set of instances from many educational institutions around the world. We proposed an approach based on Simulated Annealing and Variable Neighborhood Search metaheuristics. One important structural feature of our approach is the use of the Kingston’s High School Timetabling Engine (KHE) to generate initial solutions combined with the multi-neighborhood search. Such approach led us to the finals of the ongoing competition.
Fonseca GHG, BRITO SAMUELS, Santos HG. A Simulated Annealing Based Approach to the High School Timetabling Problem, in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag; 2012:540–549. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The High School Timetabling Problem remains subject of many research in Artificial Intelligence and Operational Research fields because of its hardness to solve and practical importance. A solution for this problem basically consists in the schedule of lessons to timeslots and the assignment of resources for these lessons. This work considers the solution of the problem of the ongoing Third International Timetabling Competition (ITC), which includes a diverse set of instances from many educational institutions around the world. We proposed an approach based on Simulated Annealing. One important structural feature of our approach is the use of the KHE engine to generate initial solutions combined with a multi-neighborhood search approach. The achieved results were encouraging: nine out of seventeen feasible solutions were found and five out of twenty one all-time best solutions were improved or matched in the processing limit stipulated in the ITC.
Machado R  E  G, Athanassoula E, Rodionov S. Simulations of Barred Galaxies in Triaxial Dark Matter Haloes: The Effects of Gas, in Advances in Computational Astrophysics: Methods, Tools, and Outcome.Vol 453. Advances in Computational Astrophysics: Methods, Tools, and Outcome.; 2012:363.Abstract
The baryonic discs of galaxies are believed to alter the shapes of the dark matter haloes in which they reside. We perform a set of hydrodynamical N-body simulations of disc galaxies with triaxial dark matter haloes, using elliptical discs with a gaseous component as initial conditions. We explore models of different halo triaxiality and also of different initial gas fractions, which allows us to evaluate how each affects the formations of the bar. Due to star formation, models of all halo shapes and of all initial gas fractions reach approximately the same gas content at the end of the simulation. Nevertheless, we find that the presence of gas in the early phases has important effects on the subsequent evolution. Bars are generally weaker for larger initial gas content and for larger halo triaxiality. The presence of gas, however, is a more efficient factor in inhibiting the formation of a strong bar than halo triaxiality is.
E.A.Coayla-Teran, J.Ferreira PMDde MHBde O. On Stochastic Coupled System of Reaction-Diffusion of Nonlocal Type. Particle Systems and Partial Differential Equations I. 2012.Abstract
In this article we investigate the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for a stochastic nonlinear parabolic coupled system of reaction-diffusion of nonlocal type, and with multiplicative white noise. An important result on the asymptotic behavior of the weak solutions is presented as well.
Speziali MG, Monteiro AL. Synthesis of Imidazole-Derived Ionic Liquids from Monoterpenes by Means of the Sonogashira Reaction. Synthesis-StuttgartSynthesis-StuttgartSynthesis-Stuttgart. 2012;44:3505-3511.Abstract
This work reports the functionalization of monoterpenoids with 2-iodo-1-methyl-1H-imidazole using Sonogashira cross-coupling reactions. Natural monoterpenes were also modified to obtain the corresponding alkynes which were used in the cross-coupling step. After a sequence of cross-coupling-hydrogenation-N-alkylation-ion metathesis, novel ionic liquids were obtained in reasonable yields. The obtained products can be used as scaffolds for the further synthesis of new ionic liquids derived from terpenoids and for new, potentially bioactive materials, e. g. polycyclic monocationic scaffolds. All obtained products show the characteristics of a room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL).
Fonseca GHG, Brito SS, TOFFOLO TAM, SANTOS HG. Técnicas de Busca Local para o Problema da Programação de Horários Escolares, in Anais do XLIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional. Anais do XLIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional. Salvador, Brazil; 2012:12.Abstract
O Problema da Programação de Horários Escolares é alvo de diversas pesquisas em Pesquisa Operacional e Inteligência Artificial devido a sua dificuldade de resolução e importância prática. Uma solução para esse problema consiste basicamente na alocação de aulas a horários e na alocação dos recursos para essas aulas. O presente trabalho considera a solução do problema proposto pela Third Interntional Timetabling Competition (ITC2011), a qual inclui um amplo conjunto de instâncias originadas de diversas instituições educacionais ao redor do mundo. Nós propomos os métodos de busca local Simulated Annealing e Iterated Local Search para o problema. Uma característica estrutural importante da nossa abordagem é o uso da plataforma KHE para gerar soluções iniciais, combinada com uma abordagem de busca multi-vizinhança. Os resultados obtidos foram animadores: dez de dezesete soluções factíveis foram encontradas e sete de vinte e uma melhores soluções conhecidas foram melhoradas ou atingidas no tempo limite estipulado pela ITC2011.
Santos TF.

Tese de doutorado

. Matemática. 2012;(2012).Abstract
Este trabalho propõe uma opção de algoritmo de otimização que funciona bem em qualquer quantidade de funções objetivo. Nosso algoritmo é baseado num modelo estocástico apresentado em 2002 por Schaffler et al. Devido à deficiência deste algoritmo em distribuir as soluções ao longo do conjunto Pareto-ótimo, apresentamos um operador que consegue resolver esse problema. Como usamos métodos de direção de busca para otimização multiobjetivo, o custo computacional é relativamente baixo. Palavras-chave: Otimização multiobjetivo, algoritmos evolutivos.
SANTOS HG, TOFFOLO TAM, Brito SS, Fonseca GHG. Towards Generic MIP solvers for Rostering and Timetabling, in Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Model-based Metaheuristics. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Model-based Metaheuristics. Angra dos Reis, Brazil; 2012:12.Abstract
In recent years the research community has built a rich set of instances for rostering and timetabling problems. This set of instances allows, for the first time, a comprehensive experimental study of solution methods for these problems. In this paper we discuss some recent results showing the successes and failures observed in the application of MIP heuristics for these problems. Despite the generality of the formulations, there are some techniques which appear to more promising than others for these two problems.
Tonidandel D  A  V, Araújo A  E  A. Transformada de Laplace: uma obra de engenharia. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física [Internet]. 2012;34:1 - 6. Publisher's Version
Moraes EE, Manhabosco TM, de Oliveira AB, Batista RJC. Tunable band gap of boron nitride interfaces under uniaxial pressure. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 2012;24.Abstract
In this work we show, by means of a density functional theory formalism, that the interaction between hydrogen terminated boron nitride surfaces gives rise to a metallic interface with free carriers of opposite sign at each surface. A band gap can be induced by decreasing the surface separation. The size of the band gap changes continuously from zero up to 4.4 eV with decreasing separation, which is understood in terms of the interaction between surface states. Due to the high thermal conductivity of cubic boron nitride and the coupling between band gap and applied pressure, such tunable band gap interfaces may be used in highly stable electronic and electromechanical devices. In addition, the spatial separation of charge carriers at the interface may lead to photovoltaic applications.
Moraes EE, Manhabosco TM, de Oliveira AB, Batista RJC. Tunable band gap of boron nitride interfaces under uniaxial pressure. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 2012;24.Abstract
In this work we show, by means of a density functional theory formalism, that the interaction between hydrogen terminated boron nitride surfaces gives rise to a metallic interface with free carriers of opposite sign at each surface. A band gap can be induced by decreasing the surface separation. The size of the band gap changes continuously from zero up to 4.4 eV with decreasing separation, which is understood in terms of the interaction between surface states. Due to the high thermal conductivity of cubic boron nitride and the coupling between band gap and applied pressure, such tunable band gap interfaces may be used in highly stable electronic and electromechanical devices. In addition, the spatial separation of charge carriers at the interface may lead to photovoltaic applications.
Cocota JANJ, Fujita HS, Silva IJ.

Um Robô Manipulador de Baixo Custo para a Educação

. X Congreso de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Enseñanza de la Electrónica. 2012:164-169.
Soares ER, Lima WG, Machado RP, Carneiro CM, Silva ME, Rodrigues MC, De Castro UG, Santos RAS, Campagnole-Santos MJ, Alzamora AC. Cardiac and renal effects induced by different exercise workloads in renovascular hypertensive rats. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2011;44(6):573-82.Abstract
We examined the effect of exercise training (Ex) without (Ex 0%) or with a 3% workload (Ex 3%) on different cardiac and renal parameters in renovascular hypertensive (2K1C) male Fisher rats weighing 150-200 g. Ex was performed for 5 weeks, 1 h/day, 5 days/week. Ex 0% or Ex 3% induced similar attenuation of baseline mean arterial pressure (MAP, 119 ± 5 mmHg in 2K1C Ex 0%, N = 6, and 118 ± 5 mmHg in 2K1C Ex 3%, N = 11, vs 99 ± 4 mmHg in sham sedentary (Sham Sed) controls, N = 10) and heart rate (HR, bpm) (383 ± 13 in 2K1C Ex 0%, N = 6, and 390 ± 14 in 2K1C Ex 3%, N = 11 vs 371 ± 11 in Sham Sed, N = 10,). Ex 0%, but not Ex 3%, improved baroreflex bradycardia (0.26 ± 0.06 ms/mmHg, N = 6, vs 0.09 ± 0.03 ms/mmHg in 2K1C Sed, N = 11). Morphometric evaluation suggested concentric left ventricle hypertrophy in sedentary 2K1C rats. Ex 0% prevented concentric cardiac hypertrophy, increased cardiomyocyte diameter and decreased cardiac vasculature thickness in 2K1C rats. In contrast, in 2K1C, Ex 3% reduced the concentric remodeling and prevented the increase in cardiac vasculature wall thickness, decreased the cardiomyocyte diameter and increased collagen deposition. Renal morphometric analysis showed that Ex 3% induced an increase in vasculature wall thickness and collagen deposition in the left kidney of 2K1C rats. These data suggest that Ex 0% has more beneficial effects than Ex 3% in renovascular hypertensive rats.
da Guerra JFC, de Magalhães CLB, Costa DC, Silva ME, Pedrosa ML. Dietary açai modulates ROS production by neutrophils and gene expression of liver antioxidant enzymes in rats. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2011;49(3):188-94.Abstract
Açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) has recently emerged as a promising source of natural antioxidants. Because increased oxidative stress and impaired antioxidant defense mechanisms are important factors in the development of diabetic complications and many health claims have been reported for açai, the present study was undertaken to evaluate the possible protective effects of açai on the production of reactive oxygen species by neutrophils and on the liver antioxidant defense system in control and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Diet supplementation with 2% açai was found to increase mRNA levels for gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase and glutathione peroxidase in liver tissue and to decrease reactive oxygen species production by neutrophils. Compared to control animals, diabetic rats exhibited lower levels of mRNA coding for Zn-superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase and higher levels of reactive oxygen species production by neutrophils, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances and carbonyl proteins in hepatic tissues. Although açai supplementation was not effective in restore gene expression of antioxidant enzymes in diabetic rats, it showed a protective effect, decreasing thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances levels and increasing reduced glutathione content in the liver. These findings suggest that açai can modulate reactive oxygen species production by neutrophils and that it has a significant favorable effect on the liver antioxidant defense system under fisiological conditions of oxidative stress and partially revert deleterious effects of diabetes in the liver.

Efeitos do ambiente enriquecido em um modelo de sepse subletal

. Revista de Neurociências . 2011.
de Araujo GR, de Faria KG, Lima WG, da Pádua BC, Rossoni JV, Souza AA, Chianca-Júnior D, Silva ME, Pedrosa ML, Chaves MM, et al. Effect of captopril and the bradykinin-PKC pathway on ROS production in type 1 diabetic rats. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2011;89(12):923-33.Abstract
The aim of this study was to investigate the possible effects of captopril as a promoter in modulating the oxidant-antioxidant balance in rats with type 1 diabetes, and the influence of protein kinase C (PKC) pathways in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by bradykinin in type 1 diabetic rats. This study evaluated the redox status in both the cardiac tissue and at the cellular level (neutrophils). Two concentrations of captopril were utilized: (i) 5 mg·(kg body mass)(-1), which was considered a therapeutic dose; and (ii) 10 mg·(kg body mass)(-1). Body mass, plasma glucose, and serum insulin were evaluated. To investigate the redox status of the cardiac tissue, we analyzed lipid peroxidation, concentration of carbonylated protein, catalase activity, and the concentration of glutathione. For a more accurate assessment of the possible antioxidant effect of captopril, we also analyzed ROS in neutrophils (in vivo), and ROS production induced by bradykinin and the influence of the PKC pathway in this production (in vitro). Our data show that the hearts of diabetic animals have increased oxidative damage, exemplified by the increased concentration of carbonylated protein and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). However, animals treated with captopril at both concentrations showed lower concentrations of carbonylated protein compared with untreated diabetic animals. We found an increase of catalase activity in the heart of diabetic rats, which was reversed by captopril treatment at both of the dosages tested. Our data showed that captopril was able to reduce ROS production in the neutrophils of diabetic rats at a dose of 10 mg captopril·(kg body mass)(-1). However, the antioxidant effect of captopril is independent of bradykinin. Diabetes induces oxidative stress, and these results suggest that captopril has an antioxidant effect and can modulate the production of ROS in circulating neutrophils.
Silva M, de Lima WG, Silva ME, Pedrosa ML. [Effect of streptozotocin on the glycemic and lipid profiles and oxidative stress in hamsters]. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metabol. 2011;55(1):46-53.Abstract
OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the effects of streptozotocin on glycemic and lipid profiles and oxidative stress status in hamsters. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Male Golden Syrian hamsters were divided in diabetic group (D) which received a streptozotocin single injection (STZ - 50 mg/kg), and control group (C) which received a single injection of the vehicle citrate buffer. Animals were euthanized after 10 days of experiment and blood, liver and kidneys were collected. RESULTS: The diabetic group had higher levels of glucose, triacylglycerols and cholesterol in serum and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) concentration increased in the liver and kidneys. Diabetes induced a significant increase in glutathione concentration in the liver and decreased paraoxonase and superoxide dismutase activities. CONCLUSION: Hamsters provide a novel animal model for diabetes mellitus and oxidative stress, similar to the human syndrome, which may be suitable for the testing of antidiabetic compounds.
Mota V{\'ıcius FS, Macedo DF, Nogueira JMS. Elegendo Nós Líderes em Redes Tolerantes a Interrupções e Atrasos de Comunicação, in III Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Ub{\'ıqua e Pervasiva (SBCUP). III Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Ub{\'ıqua e Pervasiva (SBCUP). CSBC; 2011:1–10.
Tonidandel D  A  V. Entre o real de o complexo: uma visão unificada do conceito de transformada. [Internet]. 2011. Publisher's Version
Wardil L, da Silva JKL.

The evolution of cooperation in heterogeneous networks when opponents can be distinguished

. Journal of Physics A. 2011;44.Abstract
Cooperation has been widely studied in the context of evolutionary games on graphs. Usually the players are set on the nodes of a network and adopt the same strategy, cooperation or defection, against all of their neighbors. In heterogeneous networks, it was shown that cooperation is highly sustained, although when the cumulative payoff is normalized by the connectivity, the cooperation is severely weakened. Here, we study the evolution of cooperation in heterogeneous networks when it is possible to adopt different strategies against different opponents. We study numerically different types of heterogeneous networks, including scale-free networks, that differ in the extent of the role of the highly connected nodes, usually called hubs. The remarkable result is that cooperation is maintained irrespective of whether the payoff is the total one or the normalized one, and, in spite of such blindness, we still find that the topology has a strong effect. When the presence of the hubs is more prominent, we find that the cooperation level decreases for synchronous update but remains almost unchanged for the asynchronous update. It is also shown that cooperation is robust against errors in the update rule.
Alencar A, Azevedo S, Machado M. First-principles studies of zigzag pristine boron nitride nanotubes doped with one iron atom. Applied Physics A [Internet]. 2011;102:583–591. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Interaction of one iron atom with pristine zigzag boron nitride nanotubes with different diameters, ranging from (8,0) to (12,0), have been investigated using density functional theory calculations. Departing from four initial configurations, considering each of them interacting with the tubes' walls either from inside or outside, we have analyzed the adsorbate migration to the most favorable positions together with the related binding energies and the equilibrium distances as well as the electronic structure of the final systems. It was observed that the smaller the radius of the tube the lower is the binding energy for all studied structures, and also that the inner configuration is more stable than the outer one for small radius. For the preferred position for the iron atom, it was seen that it varies according to the starting configuration and that the iron-first-nitrogen-neighbor bond length works as a constraint in determining the most favorable position for the adsorbate. Finally, for the electronic structure, it was observed that the presence of the dopant introduces localized levels at the band gap of the nanotubes and that those levels are mostly related to the orbitals 3d and 4s of the iron atom. For the inside case, as a consequence of higher hybridization and a confinement effect, the gap closure is more pronounced for small diameter tubes. For all studied structures, it was observed a net-spin-polarization equal to 4 $μ$ B.
de Almeida JE, Viegas CMR. HISTORICIDADE DO DIREITO DO CONSUMIDOR. Âmbito Jurídico. 2011;90:9820.
Agnolon A.

Imagines Physiognomonicae

. In: Algumas Visões da Antiguidade. Vol. Paulo Martins. João Angelo Oliva Neto. Algumas Visões da Antiguidade. Rio de Janeiro; 2011. pp. Henrique Cairus.
Melo L, Caldas IS, Azevedo MA, Gonçalves KR, da Silva do Nascimento AF, Figueiredo VP, de Figueiredo Diniz L, de Lima WG, Torres RM, Bahia MT, et al. Low doses of simvastatin therapy ameliorate cardiac inflammatory remodeling in Trypanosoma cruzi-infected dogs. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2011;84(2):325-31.Abstract
Chagas cardiomyopathy remodeling is based on the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi in heart tissue and on the complex inflammatory response leading to a myocardium fibrosis and alterations in conductive and functional heart parameters. This study aims to evaluate Simvastatin on the inflammatory response and heart functionality using dogs infected with Y strain of T. cruzi. Animals were treated daily with Simvastatin (20 mg) for 6 months and submitted to clinical and immunopathological evaluations. Simvastatin reduced heart expression and serum levels of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) but not interleukin-10 (IL-10), possibly favoring blood parasitism but reducing inflammation and fibrosis in the left ventricle and right atrium. Simvastatin also ameliorated ejection fraction, diastolic diameter, and mass index of the left ventricle 6 months after infection. This study suggests that more investigation should be performed on the use of statins as a prophylactic therapy against cardiac remodeling because of their effects on modifying immune response and benefiting functional parameters in dogs with T. cruzi-induced ventricular dysfunctions.
Novo LP, Gurgel LVA, Marabezi K, da Curvelo AAS.

Delignification of sugarcane bagasse using glycerol-water mixtures to produce pulps for saccharification

. Bioresource Technology. 2011;102(21):10040-10046.Abstract
This paper describes the organosolv delignification of depithed bagasse using glycerol–water mixtures without a catalyst. The experiments were performed using two separate experimental designs. In the first experiment, two temperatures (150 and 190 °C), two time periods (60 and 240 min) and two glycerol contents (20% and 80%, v/v) were used. In the second experiment, which was a central composite design, the glycerol content was maintained at 80%, and a range of temperatures (141.7–198.3 °C) and time (23–277 min) was used. The best result, obtained with a glycerol content of 80%, a reaction time of 150 min and a temperature of 198.3 °C, produced pulps with 54.4% pulp yield, 7.75% residual lignin, 81.4% delignification and 13.7% polyose content. The results showed that high contents of glycerol tend to produce pulps with higher delignification and higher polyoses content in relation to the pulps obtained from low glycerol content reactions. In addition, the proposed method shows potential as a pretreatment for cellulose saccharification.
Garbin TR. PSICOLOGIA ORGANIZACIONAL: foco na administração pública. 1st ed. Ouro Preto - MG: UFOP; 2011 pp. 85.Abstract
Desde a década de 90, o termo Psicologia Organizacional é utilizado em referência a uma área cujo objetivo é o estudo das organizações e do trabalho. As organizações, no olhar da Psicologia, são vistas como ferramenta social, constituída a partir do contexto econômico, cultural e político, e o trabalho, como atividade básica do ser humano, apoiado em fatores sociais, psicológicos e biológicos (Bastos, 2004). O estudo das organizações, segundo a Psicologia, prioriza o homem como elemento básico do funcionamento. Portanto, para conhecê-las, é fundamental o conhecer o comportamento humano e, em consequência, o trabalho, que envolve habilidades, competências, socialização, emoções, e a dinâmica das relações entre os indivíduos que fazem parte delas. Muitos temas poderiam ser abordados pelo foco da Psicologia Organizacional, mas, considerando que o objeto central deste fascículo é oferecer suporte teórico para o Administrador Público apoiar sua ação, apresentam-se informações sobre: Sistema social: identidade, papeis sociais e grupos; • Aprendizagem e aquisição de novos comportamentos: o processo de aprendizagem, processos cognitivos e análise de tarefa; • Saúde e trabalho; • Clima organizacional. A primeira unidade oferece uma discussão sobre o sistema social e a formação da identidade. Este conhecimento é fundamental para o entendimento da ação do homem no contexto da organização pública, aspectos externos à organização, como as políticas, e aspectos internos, como a dinâmica das relações grupais. A segunda unidade tem como objetivo oferecer informações sobre o processo de aprendizagem, em particular o processo cognitivo, para subsidiar intervenções relacionadas a capacitação, treinamento, desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências do indivíduo na organização. A terceira unidade tem como tema central a saúde e trabalho. O conhecimento sobre comportamento e doenças mentais pode oferecer ao Administrador Público informações para orientar a equipe e buscar auxílio especializado. O estudo desses temas auxilia a identificação de problemas na organização e dos processos e procedimentos que podem ser utilizados para a realização de intervenções do Administrador Público.
